Storage Estimation of Irrigation Reservoir by Water Balance Analysis 물수지 분석을 통한 관개용 저수지의 저수율 추정
최진규 Choe Jin Gyu , 손재권 Son Jae Gwon , 구자웅 Gu Ja Ung , 김영주 Kim Yeong Ju
9(4) 1-7, 2003
Storage Estimation of Irrigation Reservoir by Water Balance Analysis
최진규 Choe Jin Gyu , 손재권 Son Jae Gwon , 구자웅 Gu Ja Ung , 김영주 Kim Yeong Ju
DOI: Vol.9(No.4) 1-7, 2003
This study was conduced to seek the effective water management method of the irrigation reservoirs. Joongpyong reservoir was selected for the hydrologic monitoring, and investigated from May in 1999 to 2001. The water level and amount of outlet discharge were measured, the stage discharge equation as rating curve was induced, and which were compared to the irrigation water requirements calculated by a daily simulation model. The water balance of Joongpyong reservoir was analyzed, mainly on the reservoir storage ratio during irrigation period. Comparing the observed storage and simulation data, the results of the simulation were agreed with the measured data.
A Study on the Social and Economic Aspects of Environmental Impact Assessment in Small Scale Rural Development Projects 소규모 농촌개발사업의 사회,경제 부문 환경영향평가 방안 연구
홍찬선 Hong Chan Seon , 임상봉 Im Sang Bong
9(4) 9-18, 2003
A Study on the Social and Economic Aspects of Environmental Impact Assessment in Small Scale Rural Development Projects
홍찬선 Hong Chan Seon , 임상봉 Im Sang Bong
DOI: Vol.9(No.4) 9-18, 2003
The objectives of the study are to improve techniques for social impact assessment and to suggest their measuring methods to apply in small scale rural development projects. Population, residence, industries, and traffic volumes were selected to measure the social and economic impact assessment of Seongeup agricultural water development project in Jeju Province. Existing data gathering methods were used to estimate the changes of population and traffic volumes. Interview schedule for villagers was applied to estimate the residents` satisfaction to living environments. Interview schedule for experts was applied to estimate agricultural productivity and land price. The results of social and economic impact assessment show that there will be considerable changes in lining environments, agricultural productivity, and land price. On the contrary, the project will make little impacts on the changes of population, employment, and traffic volumes.
A Study of the Epistemological Examination to Rural Society 농촌사회에 대한 인식론적 고찰
임형백 Im Hyeong Baeg , 이성우 Lee Seong U
9(4) 19-34, 2003
A Study of the Epistemological Examination to Rural Society
임형백 Im Hyeong Baeg , 이성우 Lee Seong U
DOI: Vol.9(No.4) 19-34, 2003
The purpose of this study is to investigate an epistemological recognition of rural society. This study suggests an epistemological reorientation for rural society circumscribing diverse theoretical thoughts as will as empirical evidences. Traditional theoretical perspectives in urban-rural dichotomy envisioned by modernistic idea have regarded rural society as a premodern and underdeveloped society. The perspectives also have regarded city as a symbol of civilization and development. These perspectives thought of the function of rural society as a periphery that can survive as a back-up for urban-oriented prosperity. This study shows that these idea have been concentrated on agricultural expansionism and productivism which do not function in the post-modern societies any longer. The present study argues that these modernistic idea give little understanding of implicit value of rural society. Owing to the functional change of rural society which is quite omnipresent in the 21`st centuries in the world, the present study argues that the value rural society should work even in the market society that has traditionally been regarded as an working-mechanism in urban society. The present study drives a new insight showing that rural renaissance is an explicit existence instead of a phenomenal one.
Analysis on Ground Temperature Arrangement Function of Jinan Hacho Village Grove 진안 하초 마을숲의 온도 조절 기능 분석
박재철 Park Jae Cheol , 정경숙 Jeong Gyeong Sug , 장혜화 Jang Hae Hwa
9(4) 35-41, 2003
Analysis on Ground Temperature Arrangement Function of Jinan Hacho Village Grove
박재철 Park Jae Cheol , 정경숙 Jeong Gyeong Sug , 장혜화 Jang Hae Hwa
DOI: Vol.9(No.4) 35-41, 2003
The purpose of this study is on identifying the function of ground temperature arrangement of village grove. Case study was accomplished at Hacho village grove in Jinan-gun, Jeobuk province. Hacho village grove was the largest grove of all and most formal grove in Jinan region. So ground temperature of outside and inside of Hacho village grove were measured from March to October in 2001. And comparative review about difference between outside and inside of village grove was accomplished. Our ancestors, in spite of orient and occident, have made a settlement in consideration of climatic conditions. We have to learn from past pattern and add modern scientific technology. So traditional wisdom and wise process must be considered in order to create qualitative residential enviroment in present through natural elements. It is identified that in winter, the inner side ground temperature is higher than outside one of that and in summer, in contrary, the inner side one of that is lower than outside one of that. So it identified that Hacho village grove breaks winds and reduce the heating energy in winter, it reduces ground temperaturd and reduces cooling energy very well in summer. It is identified that village grove reduce ground temperature in summer better than any other season. It is identified that in summer, the effect of maintaining constant temperature is also better than any other season. So it is identified that village grove stabilize most changeable outside temperature in inside of that.
Development of Integrated Planning Simulation Model for Supporting Rural Village Planning 농촌마을계획 지원을 위한 통합계획모의모형의 개발
김대식 Kim Dae Sig , 정하우 Jeong Ha U
9(4) 43-51, 2003
Development of Integrated Planning Simulation Model for Supporting Rural Village Planning
김대식 Kim Dae Sig , 정하우 Jeong Ha U
DOI: Vol.9(No.4) 43-51, 2003
This study aims to integrate the simulation models for rural settlement planning (SinRusep) in the district level (Myon) area of rural counties. The SimRusep, which has two modules of key villages selection and spatial planning for the selected villages, consists of four sub-models such as the spatial location-allocation model of center villages (SLAMCV), the select villages, consists of four sub-models such as the spatial location-allocation model of center villages (SLAMCV), the potential centrality evaluation model (PCEM), the land use planning model (LUPM), and the 3-dimensional spatial planning modeller (3DSPLAM). Basically, map data of the integrated system which can be operated on the UNIX environment is inputted and treated using GIS (ARC/INFO) and then its village planning results is graphically presented on the AutoCAD. In order to verify the practical applicabilities of the SimRusep, an administrative area, Ucheon-myun, HoengSung-gun, KangWon-do, was selected as a case study area. It was well operated in the strategic application trials considering application of each sub-model in the study area. The operation results of the SimRusep showed the possibilities of realtime simulation from the selection of key village to its final stereoscopic presentation of planned results. Alternative village plan proposals can be swiftly drafted, which means very practical for decision making process and public participation.
A Study on Brand and Packing Design of Agricultural Products - A Case Study in Dangjin County - 농산물의 브랜드와 포장디자인에 관한 연구 -당진군의 사례연구-
최병익 Choe Byeong Ig , 김명희 Kim Myeong Hui , 김석은 Kim Seog Eun , 최동현 Choe Dong Hyeon
9(4) 53-57, 2003
A Study on Brand and Packing Design of Agricultural Products - A Case Study in Dangjin County -
최병익 Choe Byeong Ig , 김명희 Kim Myeong Hui , 김석은 Kim Seog Eun , 최동현 Choe Dong Hyeon
DOI: Vol.9(No.4) 53-57, 2003
This study was carried out in order to develop brand and packing design for agricultural products of Dangjin County. Current packing designs such as rice packs, cucumber box, sweet potato box, apple box and kimchi pack were collected from agricultural cooperatives in Dangjin area. For those packing designs, corporate identity(CI) clinic was conducted and the results obtained were as follows: There are varieties of names, colors, fonts, and sizes for the same items, so that consumers could not easily find and understand those CIs of agricultural products in Dangjin County. Among others, those packages are needed CI clinic such as the packages of Dangjin apple(Song-마 Agricultural Cooperative), Dangjin sweet potato(Seok-moon A. C.) and rice(Daehoji A. C., Shinpyeong A. C.). However, the packing design of Hyang-chae-bang Kimchi is evaluated as good design. For CI clinic, it is desirable to develop unique and united brand name and simple design for the packages such as the case of `Anseong-Matzum` of Anseong City, which is unique and united brand name with simple design enhancing synergy effect for agricultural marketing.
Predicting Runoff and Sediment Yield on a Forest Dominated Watershed using HSPF and SWAT Models HSPF 와 SWAT 모형을 산림유역의 유출 및 유사량 추정
임상준 Im Sang Jun , 조재필 Jo Jae Pil , Kevin M. Brannan , Saied Mostaghimi
9(4) 59-64, 2003
Predicting Runoff and Sediment Yield on a Forest Dominated Watershed using HSPF and SWAT Models
임상준 Im Sang Jun , 조재필 Jo Jae Pil , Kevin M. Brannan , Saied Mostaghimi