Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning

ISSN : 1225-8857 (print)

ISSN : 2288-9493 (online)

Korean Society of Rural Planning

Code of Ethics of Collected Papers

December 12, 1994, Establishment September 7, 2002, Amendment

March 9, 2006, Amendment March 2, 2007, Amendment February 25, 2008, Amendment

February 5, 2010, Amendment April 29, 2011 Amendment February 29, 2016 Amendment


Korean Society of Rural Planning is an academic institution aiming to polish and disseminate knowledge and technology related to rural planning in order to promote sustainable rural development by forming comfortable rural areas. For such purposes, true academic development of rural areas can be achieved only by evaluating the results of valuable academic research, recognizing the value each other and sharing the contents to everyone.

Therefore, the business of publishing and distributing a periodical professional journal of research papers containing the results of academic research related to rural planning by selecting them according to strict criteria is the most important business for achieving the establishment objectives of the Korean Society of Rural Planning. In order to contribute to the rural development of our country through publication of high-quality academic journals, it is necessary to establish ethical guidelines to be observed by authors and evaluators of the research papers as well as editing staff of the journal. And by revealing the ethical standards to be observed by an expert in the relevant field of rural planning clearly, we would be able to perform responsibilities related to rural planning toward the whole society more faithfully.

Code of research ethics of this Society (hereinafter referred to as “Code of Ethics”) prescribes ethics of research to be observed in the process of issuing the collected papers of the Korean Society of Rural Planning journal (hereinafter referred to as “collected papers”) of the Korean Society of Rural Planning (hereinafter referred to as “this Society”). And it also includes organizational composition and operational regulations for research misconduct and information on regulatory actions of research misconduct.

Chapter 1 General Provisions

Article 1(Purpose)

This Code aims at preventing from research misconduct of this Society in advance and establishing research ethics and truth.

Article 2 (Basic research ethics)

It is necessary to pursue the basic principles such as honesty, integrity, and accuracy by understanding these are essential matters to secure the reliability when conducting all research activities such as proposal, plan, performance, and report of the result. The misconducts such as fabrication, falsification, distortion, plagiarism, duplicate publication, etc. should be rejected.

Article 3 (Organization)

  • 1)The editorial board consists of chief editor, vice chief editor, managing editor and editing staff.
  • 2)The small board shall review the submitted paper and recommend more than three reviewers per one paper.
  • 3)All information related to the submitted paper including names, etc. of the contributor and the reviewer will remain confidential.

Article 4 (Review of the submitted paper)

  • 1)The editorial board requests review of received paper to more than three examiners among academic journal judges, who are recognized as experts in the concerned field and determines whether publishing the paper or not based on the result of such review.

Article 5 (Obligation, authority)

  • 1) The board has the authority to decide the contents structure, appointment of the reviewers for the submitted paper, the evaluation of the review result, opinion exchange between the contributor and reviewer, mediation, decision of the publication, the order of the publications, the number of publication and the electronic publication format, the decision of review fee and submission fee in the journal published by this society.
  • 2) The board members shall try to do their best to preserve the honor of the society and members and to raise the level of the society through editing the journal.
  • 3) The board shall not release the private information of the members obtained by the board activity outside.

Chapter 3 Journal Submission

Article 6 (Qualification of the submission)

  • 1)The members of this society can submit the research paper and conference presentation paper to the journal, If the paper is joint paper, more than 50% of authors including first author and corresponding author must be Society members.

Article 7 (Paper application and journal publication)

  • 1)The paper application dead line and the journal publication shall be executed in the following dates:
  • Journal Application Deadline Publication date
    Issue 1 January 5 February 28
    Issue 2 April 5 May 30
    Issue 3 July 5 August 30
    Issue 4 October 5 November 30
  • 2) Papers that are prepared properly for the rules of the journal of this Society together with necessary information for paper submission must be submitted through the online submission system of Korean Society of Rural Planning ( and other necessary information must be submitted by using E-mail ( :, Tel : +82-2-874-4597, )
  • 3) Receipt date is based on the submission date on the online submission system.
  • Article 8 (Review fee and publication fee)

  • 1)The contributor shall deposit the paper review fee 100,000KRW to the following account in his or her name with the paper for review and submission application form when submitting the paper. In case of an urgent paper review, 50,000KRW shall be additionally deposited. (Nonghyup: 079-17-051057, Account holder: Korean Society of Rural Planning)
  • 2) In the standard of eight pages per paper (in the standard of the printed paper), the review fee 100,000KRW per paper shall be deposited to the society account. (In case of the paper decided to be published, additional 30,000KRW per side shall be deposited when exceeding the basic eight pages.)
  • 3) When not satisfying the qualification of submission (Article 6 Section 1), besides the review fee, prescribed paper publication fee shall be additionally paid.
  • 4) The number of extra copy is basically 30; the author can apply for more extra copy by paying the actual expense.
  • 5) The actual expense (20,000KRW per 200 words) for the English proofreading fee shall be paid by only the author who wants to proofread.
  • 6) When other special color printings and special designs and professional treatment for printing are required, the printing fee shall be additionally paid by the author.

Chapter 4 Review of the Submitted Paper

Article 9 (Review of the submitted paper)

  • 1)The decision of the paper review is classified into accepted for publication (○), publication after revising (□), re-review after revising (△), and not accepted (ᚷ).
  • 2)Based on the result of judgment of three examiners, final evaluation of the editorial board is made.
  • 3) The standard of the review is as follows:
  • ❖ The standard of the review
    Combination of the review result Review result
    ○ ○ ○ Accepted for publication
    ○ ○ □ Accepted after revising
    ○ ○ △ Secondary review about the re-review after revising
    ○ □ □ Accepted after revising
    ○ □ △ Secondary review about the re-review after revising
    ○ ○ × Whether publishing the paper or not is determined by the editorial board.
    ○ □ × After correction, the editorial board determines whether publishing the paper or not.
    □ □ □ Accepted after revising
    □ □ △ Secondary review about the re-review after revising
    □ □ × After correction, the editorial board determines whether publishing the paper or not.
    ○ △ △ Secondary review about the re-review after revising
    □ △ △ Secondary review about the re-review after revising
    △ △ △ Secondary review about the re-review after revising
    ○ △ × Secondary review about the re-review after revising
    □ △ × Secondary review about the re-review after revising
    △ △ × Secondary review about the re-review after revising
    ○ × × Not accepted
    □ × × Not accepted
    △ × × Not accepted
    × × × Not accepted
  • 4)The standard of the paper review is evaluated by being classified into creativity and originality of research, logicality and consistency of the contents development, validity and objectivity of the research or analysis method, the level of contribution of research, suitability in journal paper format, etc.
  • 5)The editorial board can ask the contributor to revise the part of the manuscript according to the decision of the reviewer.
  • 6)If two examiners among three judge to be “publishable after correction” or “publishable” and one examiner judges to be “unpublishable”, whether publishing the paper or not is determined after the editorial board determination. Paper contributors and examiners cannot raise objection to this determination.
  • 7)The reviewer and contributor can exchange anonymously their opinions related to the manuscript contents and result decision through the mediation of the editorial board; the editorial board shall make the final decision. The contributor and reviewer cannot make an objection about this decision.
  • 8)The fixed amount of review fee shall be paid to reviewer.
  • 9) Double-blind peer review: Reviewers are unaware of the identity of the authors, and authors are also unaware of the identity of reviewers. There are at least three or more reviewers for the total number of articles in each issue.

Chapter 5 Paper Submission Rules

Article 10 (Contents of the paper)

The paper shall be the unpublished research and engineering paper related to the rural planning. However, the paper presented to the conference can be accepted.

Article 11 (Publication type)

The Journal of Koean Society of Rural Plannin accepts the following types of manuscripts: original research articles, review articles, and technical reports.

Article 12 (Paper structure)

The paper in principle shall be structured as follows:

  • 1)Korean paper: Korean and English can be used together; the order is as follows; there should be one space between each order.
    • ① Title (Korean)
    • ② Author name, affiliation (Korean)
    • ③ Title (English)
    • ④ Author name, affiliation (English),
    • ⑤ Abstract (English)
    • ⑥ Key words
    • ⑦ Main body
    • ⑧ References
  • 2)English paper: The paper order is as follows; there should be one space between each order.
    • ① Title (English)
    • ② Author name, affiliation (English)
    • ③ Title (Korean)
    • ④ Author name, affiliation (Korean)
    • ⑤ Abstract (Korean)
    • ⑥ Key words
    • ⑦ Main body
    • ⑧ References

Article 13 (Length of the paper)

In principle, within 8 pages in the size of “A4.”

Article 14 (Writing and editing of the paper)

  • 1) Cover page writing guideline (Korean, English)
    • (1) Margin: Respectively 20 pt at the top, bottom, left, and right, respectively 10pt at the header and footer, and 160% of line space.
    • (2) Title
      • ① The Korean title shall be in principle written in Korean, aligned in the center, and specific; the annotation shall be written at the end of the upper part with the arabic number(e.g.,1))
      • ②The English title shall be written in the center at the next line of the Korean title. The first letter of each word shall be capitalized; the preposition and article shall be written in lower-case letters.
    • (3) Author name: If the number of author is more than two, the dot is necessary in the middle. (e.g., 김○○ ․ 이○○)
    • (4) Affiliation: Written after the author name with the (*); if the affiliations are different, it is distinguished by the number of the asterisk. (e.g., 김○○* ․ 이○○**, *Agricultural Engineering, Seoul National University, **Landscape Architecture, Seoul National University)
    • (5) ABSTRACT
      • ① The important point of the paper is summarized in English. For the English paper, it shall be written in Korean.
      • ② For the use of abbreviation in the English abstract, at first time, the abbreviation shall be written in parenthesis with the original words; from the next, the abbreviation can be used. (e.g., World Wide Web (WWW))
    • (6) Key words : The important point related to the main text shall be written in about five words in English; these are arranged in alphabetical order.
    • (7) Corresponding author
      • ① With the co-author(s): co-author's name, phone number, e-mail shall be written
      • ② Without the co-author: main author's name, phone number, e-mail shall be written
  • 2) Main text writing guideline
    • (1) Manuscript structure
      • ① A4 size paper
      • ② Batang font
      • ③ 10pt font size (bigger for the title)
      • ④ no page number
      • ⑤ one column editing
    • (2) The chapters and sections in the main text shall be separated by the order of Ⅰ, 1, 가, 1), and 가).
    • (3) Table and figure
      • ① Title and contents of tables and figures must be written in English and must be marked as "Table 1" or "Figure 1", etc.
      • ② The title of the table shall be aligned to the left above the table; the title of the figure shall be aligned to the center below the figure.
      • ③ If the title is written in English, the first letter of the title shall be capitalized.
      • ④ The table and figure shall be included in the main text in principle; if it is necessary, the annexed paper can be used.
      • ⑤ The width of the table and figure shall be 8cm in principle and cannot exceed 16.5cm.
      • ⑥ If there are additional details or explanations about the table or figure, these can be written at the bottom of the table for the table and between the figure and the figure title for the figure. (Figures include all of the pictures, graphs, charts, etc.)
    • (4) Quotation of the table and figure
      • ① When quoting the table and figure in the main text, these are presented as “Table 1” and “Figure 1”.
      • ② When several figures and pictures are bound together, each figure shall have the symbol such as a), b), c), etc. with the explanation.
    • (5) Number
      • ① The arabic number shall be used to present the quantity.
      • ② 0 shall be written before the decimal point for the numbers less than 1.
      • ③ The fraction shall be presented such as 1/4 if it is possible.
    • (6) Formula
      • ① The formula shall be presented on one line in principle.
      • ② When the formula needs to be written on more than two line, the line shall be changed from the symbol of “ = ” and the position shall be unified. (However, if it is not possible this guideline, the line can be changed from the symbol of “+” “-” “×” or “ ”.)
      • ③ The formula shall have the serial number such as (1),(2), etc at the right side of the formula.
    • (7) Unit and symbol
      • ① All units shall be unified based on the metric system in principle.
      • ② The unit symbol shall be used according to the Korean Industrial Standard.
    • (8) Annotation writing method
      • ① General paper
        • A.The footnote written at the below of each page is not allowed in principle but it is allowed to used informally inside of the sentence.
        • B. For the annotation requiring an explanation, the serial number (superscript) shall be provided at the right side of the sentence and the number such as 주1, 주2... shall be written in the form of the endnote right before References (right after Conclusion). For the English manuscript, it shall be written by the number such as Notes 1, 2.
      • ② Annotation of quotation - when there is a quotation in the main body, it can be presented with the quotation symbol (“ ”); the source needs to be revealed and presented just like the general annotation.
    • (9) Citation guideline
      • ①Reference has to be written in English. In case of the other foreign language, it has to be indicated in parallel with English.
      • ②Reference list
        • A.Articles: author, year of publication, title, journal name, volume (issue), cited page numbers
        • B. Book: author, year of publication, title of the book, publisher, location of publication, cited page numbers
        • C. Report: author, year of publication, title, the number of the report, publisher, location of publication, cited page numbers
        • D.Conference paper: author, year of publication, title, conference name, publisher or location of publication, cited page numbers
        • E.References with more than two authors: present with “,” between names
      • ② Korean manuscript:
        • A. Single author or two authors:김○○(2003), Robert와 Smith (2003), (김○○, 2003), (Robert와 Smith, 2003)
        • B. More than three authors: 김○○ 등(2003), (김○○ 등, 2003)
        • C. More than two works (list the entries by the year, earliest comes first) :김○○(2002, 2003a, 2003b)와 Robert(2002, 2003), (김○○, 2002, 2003a, 2003b, Robert와 Smith, 2003)
      • ③ English manuscript:
        • A. Single author or two authors:Kim(2003), Robert and Smith(2003), (Kim, 2003), (Robert and Smith, 2003)
        • B. More than three authors: Kim et al.(2003), (Robert et al., 2003)
        • C. More than two works (list the entries by the year, earliest comes first): Kim(2002, 2003a, 2003b) and Robert and Smith(2002, 2003), (Kim, 2002, 2003a, 2003b, Robert and Smith, 2003)
    • (10) Acknowledgement: can be written when it is necessary and located before the References.

Article 15 (Submission guideline)

  • 1) Papers must be submitted through the online submission system of Korean Society of Rural Planning (
  • 2)You have to download paper submission form in the submission system and prepare it and attach your paper.
  • 3)Please attach your paper after deleting your personal information such as affiliation, name and etc.

Article 16 (Author guideline)

  • 1) Author's Check List is as follows:
    ❖ Author's Check List

    Title of the manuscript: _________________________________________________

    Manuscript ID: ________________________________________________________

    Please check below items as ✔mark before submission of the manuscript.

  • (1) General guideline
    • □ A manuscript contained an original manuscript, a checklist, and a statement copyright transfer was submitted online.
    • □ A manuscript followed the journal template and were typed in MS Word or Hangul.
    • □ A text consisted of title, abstract, main text, references, tables and figures
  • (2) Cover page
    • □ Paper title and authors name were written both in Korean and in English.
    • □ The lower area of the cover page included the name, address, and email of the corresponding author.
    • □ In manuscript written in Korean, title, author name, and affiliation should be written firstly in Korean. The same information should also be presented in English.
    • □ In manuscript written in English, authors should refer to the basic style defined for Korean ones.
  • (3) Abstract and Keyword
    • □ Abstracts and keywords were written in English.
  • (4) Main text
    • □ The order of the subtitle was described according to the journal template.
    • □ Figures and tables cited in numerical order as they are first mentioned in the text.
  • (5) Reference
    • □ All articles in References were cited in the main text.
    • □ References were numbered according to numeric order.
    • □ All references were written in English, except books written in Korean.
    • □ The papers from Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning were cited if the content is relevant.
    • □ The reference style was followed by the journal template.
  • (6) Tables and figures
    • □ The titles and legends of tables and figures were written in English.
    • □ Photos were in high resolution.
  • 2) Copyright Transfer Form

    This form must be signed by the responsible author and submitted with the manuscript. It is required to obtain a written confirmation from authors in order to acquire copy right for papers published in Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning.


    The copyright to this article is transferred to Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning if and when the article is accepted for publication. The undersigned hereby transfers any and all rights of the paper including all copyrights to Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning. The undersigned hereby represents and warrants that the paper is original source, with permission notices from the copyright owners where required. The undersigned represents that he/she has the power and authority to make and execute this assignment.

    We declare that :
    • ‐ This paper has not been published in the same form elsewhere.
    • ‐ It will not be submitted anywhere else for publication prior to acceptance / rejection by this journal.
    • ‐ A copyright permission is obtained for materials published elsewhere and which require this permission for reproduction.

    Furthermore, I/We hereby transfer the unlimited rights of publication of the above mentioned paper in whole to Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning. The copyright transfer covers the exclusive right to reproduce and distribute the article, including reprints, translation, photographic reproduction, microform, electronic form (offline, online) or any other reproductions of similar nature.

    The corresponding author signs for and accepts responsibility for releasing this material on behalf of any and all co‐author(s). This agreement is to be signed by at least one of the authors who have obtained the assent of the co‐author(s) where applicable. After submission of this agreement signed by the corresponding author, changes of authorship or in the order of the author(s) listed will not be accepted.

    Corresponding Author’s Full Name and Signature
    Date: ______________________________
    Full Name: ______________________________ Signature: ______________________________

    * The matters not described here can be decided by the internal rules of the editorial board; if the issue not described even by the internal rules occurs, it will be executed by the decision of the discussion of the editorial board.