Analysis of Salinity during the Growing Period in the Unripened Tidal Reclaimed Paddy Fields 간척초기답의 벼생육기간중 염분농도 분석
손재권Jae Gwon Son,구자웅Ja Woong Koo,최진규Jin Kyu Choi
6(2) 3-11, 2000
Analysis of Salinity during the Growing Period in the Unripened Tidal Reclaimed Paddy Fields
손재권Jae Gwon Son,구자웅Ja Woong Koo,최진규Jin Kyu Choi
DOI: Vol.6(No.2) 3-11, 2000
Optimal Layout for Irrigation Pipeline Networks using Graph Theory Graph 이론을 이용한 농업용 관수로망의 최적배치
임상준Sang Jun Im,박승우Seung Woo Park,조재필Jae Pil Cho
6(2) 12-19, 2000
Optimal Layout for Irrigation Pipeline Networks using Graph Theory
임상준Sang Jun Im,박승우Seung Woo Park,조재필Jae Pil Cho
DOI: Vol.6(No.2) 12-19, 2000
Study on the reasonable management of the lacquer in Wonju through the agricultural system approach 농업시스템분석을 통한 원주 옻의 합리적 관리방안 연구
오현석Hyun Seok Oh,김정섭Jeong Seop Kim
6(2) 20-33, 2000
Study on the reasonable management of the lacquer in Wonju through the agricultural system approach
오현석Hyun Seok Oh,김정섭Jeong Seop Kim
DOI: Vol.6(No.2) 20-33, 2000
A Case Study of Urbanization of Uongjin Community from 1970 to 2000 농촌도시화의 역기능 연구 - 1970 년부터 2000 년까지 경기도 용인의 사례 -
임형백Hyung Baek Lim,정지웅Ji Woong Cheong
6(2) 34-42, 2000
A Case Study of Urbanization of Uongjin Community from 1970 to 2000
임형백Hyung Baek Lim,정지웅Ji Woong Cheong
DOI: Vol.6(No.2) 34-42, 2000
Watershed Scale Management Techniques of the Pollutants from Small Scale Livestock Ranches - Buffer Zone Selection for Natural Purification - 농촌 소유역 축산폐수의 유역관리기법 개발 - 자연정화처리를 위한 완충대 적지분석 -
김성준Seong Joon Kim,이남호Nam Ho Lee,윤광식Kwang Sik Yoon,홍성구Seong Gu Hong,이윤아Yun Ah Lee
6(2) 43-49, 2000
Watershed Scale Management Techniques of the Pollutants from Small Scale Livestock Ranches - Buffer Zone Selection for Natural Purification -
김성준Seong Joon Kim,이남호Nam Ho Lee,윤광식Kwang Sik Yoon,홍성구Seong Gu Hong,이윤아Yun Ah Lee
DOI: Vol.6(No.2) 43-49, 2000
The Land Cover Changes at the Small Watersheds Using the Multi - temporal Satelite Images 다시기 위성영상을 이용한 소유역의 토지피복변화 평가
강문성Moon Seong Kang,박승우Seung Woo Park
6(2) 50-58, 2000
The Land Cover Changes at the Small Watersheds Using the Multi - temporal Satelite Images
강문성Moon Seong Kang,박승우Seung Woo Park
DOI: Vol.6(No.2) 50-58, 2000
A Study on the Rural Village Planning in North Korea 북한의 농촌마을 계획에 관한 연구
김신원Shin Won Kim,허준Jun Heo
6(2) 59-72, 2000
A Study on the Rural Village Planning in North Korea
김신원Shin Won Kim,허준Jun Heo
DOI: Vol.6(No.2) 59-72, 2000
Monitoring of Outlet Discharge and Water Quality from a Small Agricultural Reservoir 소규모 농업용 저수지의 통관 방류량 및 수질 측정
최진규Jin Kyu Choi,손재권Jae Gwon Son,구자웅Ja Woong Koo,윤광식Kwang Sik Yoon,김영주Young Ju Kim
6(2) 73-81, 2000
Monitoring of Outlet Discharge and Water Quality from a Small Agricultural Reservoir
최진규Jin Kyu Choi,손재권Jae Gwon Son,구자웅Ja Woong Koo,윤광식Kwang Sik Yoon,김영주Young Ju Kim
DOI: Vol.6(No.2) 73-81, 2000
A Study on the Development Directions for the Environmentally Friendly Rural House in Korea 전문가 의식조사에 기초한 환경친화형 농촌주거 개발방향 연구
조순재Soon Jae Cho,박창석Chang Sug Park,임승빈Seung Bin Im
6(2) 82-93, 2000
A Study on the Development Directions for the Environmentally Friendly Rural House in Korea
조순재Soon Jae Cho,박창석Chang Sug Park,임승빈Seung Bin Im
DOI: Vol.6(No.2) 82-93, 2000
A Study on the Livestock Farmer's Consciousness on the Environmental Pollution 환경오염에 대한 축산농민들의 의식구조에 대한 연구
이명숙Myoung Suk Lee,이남호Nam Ho Lee,홍성구Seong Gu Hong,윤광식Kwang Sik Yoon,김성준Seong Joon Kim,이훈선Hoon Sun Lee
6(2) 94-105, 2000
A Study on the Livestock Farmer's Consciousness on the Environmental Pollution
이명숙Myoung Suk Lee,이남호Nam Ho Lee,홍성구Seong Gu Hong,윤광식Kwang Sik Yoon,김성준Seong Joon Kim,이훈선Hoon Sun Lee