In this study, in order to induce landscape-friendly various development plans established at the district level, the contents of landscape plans appearing in domestic laws and systems and related previous studies are reviewed and comparative analysis is performed to advance the district-level landscape plan. The main focus was to explore the institutional methodology for this. The summary of the research results is as follows. First of all, as a result of analysis of the landscape plan content prescribed in the National Territory Planning Act and the enforcement decree of the same Act, the landscape plan content for natural elements and the landscape plan content for artifacts appeared mixed. Next, looking at the analysis results of the landscape plan contents in the Landscape Act, the Enforcement Decree of the same Act, and the landscape plan establishment guidelines, it is analyzed that the content mainly intended to improve the artificial landscape in terms of aesthetics, such as color, lighting, and buildings. Became. As a result of analysis of the landscape plan contents in the district unit plan establishment guidelines, it was found that the contents of the landscape plan for the skyline, night view, color, advertisements, and viewpoints were presented. As a result of the analysis of the landscape plan contents in the preceding study, the plan contents for ecological, recreational, and micro-visual aspects were revealed, and all three aspects aim to establish a landscape plan within the range of minimizing damage to nature. there was. Appeared to be. The results of this study are considered to be able to induce more landscape and nature-friendly district unit plans being conducted at the district level.
As the measures for solving problems of modern city and farming & fishing villages through mutual cooperation and complementation, this study aims to present an integrated rural area development model by changing the farming & fishing villages from a food production-focused space to a service space for the whole nation including urban residents, into the direction of creating new vitality and jobs in farming & fishing villages. In order to establish a service space that could increase the life quality and happiness of the people, this study presented the K-FARM framework types that would integrate and arrange total four themes such as rental farm, experience farm, stay farm, and management farm. In case when this K-FARM framework is applied to rural areas adjacent to cities, especially farming & fishing villages around innovative cities, there would be great effects such as expansion of exchanges between public institutions and local residents of innovative cities. Especially, the theme model classified into four types could be applied suitable for the characteristics of farming & fishing village development project district that is currently operated. Meanwhile, to realize the construction of K-FARM framework, on top of demand analysis of rental farm, it would be also necessary to additionally analyze the urban residents’ demand for experience farm and management farm.
This study aims to understand why the sales volume and the number of visitors are different in each rural tourism village. The study considered that the management and operation of rural tourism villages is one of the major influencing factors. To prove this, the study determined what factors were related to the management and operation of villages and derived detailed items to evaluate them. In the study, the researchers conducted an in-depth interview and a literature review on the management and operation of rural tourism villages in Yangpyeong-gun. They also performed a case study on the Sumi village, one of the successfully managed and operated villages in Yangpyeong-gun, to determine the detailed items. As a result, seven factors were identified. These factors comprise operation entity, governance, shared vision, leadership, efficient role-playing, marketing efforts, and equity in profit distribution. Based on these seven factors, 85 of the evaluation items were developed. The management and operation scores of 85 items were measured and summed for each of the 21 rural tourism villages. First, 21 villages were divided into two groups by the sales figures to derive items to determine the difference in the mean value of the evaluation scores. Second, an independent sample t-test was conducted for each village at YangPyeong-gun. Third, the study divided the 21 villages into four groups using 46 evaluation items. Finally, the study’s researchers clarified some challenges to solve and appropriate management and operation plans considering each type of rural tourism village.
This study was to analyze the Life-Cycle Physical Activity Therapy Programs (PATPs) in Hoseo Region and to suggest the Activation of the program. The subjects were the 81 PATPs performed in 36 of the Community Health Centers in the region. The basic data was collected by Official Documents, the Homepage of the Centers, Telephone Interview, and e-mail with the person in charge of the programs. All the data were classified to the administrative districts (Rural, Urban-Rural Intergration and Urban Region), the Life Cycles (Children, Youth, Adult and Old Adult) and the Health-related Fitness Variables (Strength/Muscle endurance, Flexibility and Aerobics). The ACSM’s (American College Sports Medicine) Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription were used to evaluate the PATPs. In the results, the number of the PATPs was too low compared to the population. Also, the PATPs were not considered to the Life-Cycle proportion of the population. The management of the PATPs was principally inadequate. The frequency and duration of the PATPs were deficient in order to improve the Health-related Fitness. In conclusion, the number of the PATPs should be increased proportionally compared to the population, operated and developed on the Specificity of the Life-Cycle Population in the administrative districts. Further, the PATPs should be managed on the scientific knowledge of physical activity therapy.
In this study, an analysis was performed using the growth data and environment data of Korean melon farmers to confirm the influence of environmental factors variables on fruit weight of Korean melon. The analysis results can be summarized as follows. First, it was confirmed that humidity and temperature were recognized as the most important factors among the core factors of korean melon farm production management. Second, The correlation analysis of fruit weight and environmental factors showed a statistically significant soil temperature, internal humidity. Third, The Pooled OLS model estimation results showed that the estimation coefficient for soil temperature is (-), and the estimation coefficient for soil temperature square is (+), indicating that optimal control temperature exists.
Rural and agricultural landscapes are important forms of land use in maintaining biodiversity. In addition humans are provided with various public functions from ecosystems and agricultural ecosystems. But the creation of a facility horticultural complex can be a space that can undermine the public interest function of the agricultural ecosystem. Therefore, this study aims to quantify the function of ecosystem services that land use changes affect biodiversity in Korea’s rice paddy fields. The area subject to the study was selected as the largest agricultural complex in Korea due to rice paddy fields and land use changes, and field agriculture was also carried out simultaneously. The survey was conducted only in the fields of vegetation, insects, amphibians, and birds, four areas of biodiversity that are believed to have a high impact on changes in land use in agricultural landscapes. The valuation of ecosystem services in four areas of biodiversity derived from this study was evaluated as non-market value. As a result of quantitative evaluation, about 25 species of vegetation were reduced due to changes in land use. The diversity of about 40 species of aquatic insects that inhabit rice paddies among insects has disappeared due to the creation of a horticultural complex. Birds and amphibian reptiles were also found to have decreased diversity and populations. This research is expected to be used in various ways to develop policies to enhance ecosystem service functions.
In the meantime, the government has implemented various policies for young farmers at a time when the number of people in charge of agriculture and rural areas is decreasing, but it is difficult to secure a stable agricultural workforce. This study analyzed the mediating effect of family support in the will to self-reliance and farming continuation for young farmers at a time when agricultural and rural farmers are decreasing and aging. According to the analysis, young farmers are young, highly educated, have short farming experience, and mainly livestock and gardening were high. In addition, it was found that the will of young farmers to stand on their own feet influenced the sustainability of young farmers by partially selling their family support. The main implications are the need for support or support for internal growth of young farmers and the need for continuous family support. It was also understood that young farmers should have the will to stand on their own feet in order to have continuous and satisfactory farming results.
This study focuses on the relationship between ginseng production per area and meteorological factors. Four areas of major ginseng production are considered in the study. Chungcheongnam-do and Gyengsangbuk-do are selected as the original major production places and Gyeonggi-do and Kangwon-do are selected as the new major places. The meteorological factors applied for study are the average temperature, accumulated precipitation, and integrated sunshine hours. With the data collected across four areas, we used a panel data analysis. From the results of Hausman test, the fixed effects model allowing to control individual area effect is preferable to the random effects model. Based on the results of the fixed effects model, the accumulated precipitation statistically and significantly affect the decreases in ginseng production. Changes in the average temperature negatively affect ginseng production, but the value is not statistically significant. The integrated sunshine positively affect ginseng production, but the value is not statistically significant.
To predict the level of residents’ participation in rural tourism project, we used agent-based model. The decision-making mechanism which calculates the utility related to attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control of planned behavior theory was applied to the residents’ decision to participate. As a result of the simulation over a period of 20 years, in the baseline scenario set similar to the general process of promoting rural projects, the proportion of indigenous people decreased and the participation rate decreased. In the scenarios with different learning frequencies in perceived behavioral control, overall participation rate decreased. Learning every five years had the effect of increasing the participation rate slightly. Participation rates increased significantly in the scenario that consider economic aspects and reputation in attitude and did not decline in the scenario where population composition was maintained. The virtuous cycle effect of subjective norm according to changes in participation rate due to influence of attitude and perceived behavioral control shows the dynamic relationship.
The purpose of this study is to develop the diagnostic indices system that can be applied to the evaluation of rural village level, because the indicators developed in many existing studies were mostly consisted of statistical data in higher level than rural villages as well as those were difficult to apply to rural village level empirically. In order to develop the empirical diagnostic indices system, which has 52 indices with 7 categories, this study not only classified the kind of rural village facility and the regional development project of government, but also surveyed the specialist opinion with Delphi method. Especially, this study standardized the all diagnostic indices with positive value to remove the indices with negative values. Finally, the results that the study applied the empirical diagnostic indices to the 15 sample villages of Jinan-gun and Cheongyang-gun showed that there was the applicability of the indices system in the village level.