ISSN : 1225-8857 (print)
ISSN : 2288-9493 (online)
농어촌정비사업의 부처별 추진현황 및 전망 1. 농어촌정주생활권개발사업 ( 농림부 )김종진 2(1) 1-6, 1996
농어촌정비사업의 부처별 추진현황 및 전망 2. 농어촌 정비사업의 추진현황과 전망 ( 내무부 )박성득 2(1) 7-10, 1996
농어촌정비사업의 부처별 추진현황 및 전망 3. 산촌진흥과 산림문화 창달을 위한 산촌종합개발사업 ( 산림청 )조연환 2(1) 11-15, 1996
농어촌정비사업의 부처별 추진현황 및 전망 4. 어촌 종합개발사업 ( 해양수산부 )방기혁 2(1) 17-20, 1996
농어촌정비사업의 부처별 추진현황 및 전망 5. 농가주거환경개선사업 ( 농촌진흥청 )임평자 2(1) 21-29, 1996
Land Suitability Classification for Rational Land Use Planning in Country ( Gun ) Area ( 2 ) - Determination of the Land Use Suitability to Integrate the Classified Values -
Environmental Education in Agricultural and Rural Development
Effect on Environmental Conservation and Development of Aqricultural Community through Herb Garden - A Case Study of the Herb Island , Chiba , Japan -
Ecological and Cultural Village Renewal in Germany
Impact of Livestock - production Wastewater on Water Pollution
A Methodological Consideration of Landscape Control Planning in Rural Settlement Area
The Directions of Rural Environmental Planning Based on Establishing Environment Contexts