An Importance and Satisfaction Analysis of Selection Attribute by Rural Theme Park Customers - A Case Study on Anseong Farm Land - 농촌테마공원 이용객의 선택속성에 대한 중요도와 만족도 분석 - 안성팜랜드를 중심으로 -
백윤기 Yoon Kie Bae , 김나영 Na Young Kim , 전인철 In Cheol Jeon , 김용근 Young Geun Kim
19(2) 1-10, 2013
An Importance and Satisfaction Analysis of Selection Attribute by Rural Theme Park Customers - A Case Study on Anseong Farm Land -
백윤기 Yoon Kie Bae , 김나영 Na Young Kim , 전인철 In Cheol Jeon , 김용근 Young Geun Kim
DOI: Vol.19(No.2) 1-10, 2013
This study is intended to examine the perception of importance-satisfaction in selective properties of rural theme park with the users and to suggest operation method and implications for rural theme parks which are being built on a nation-wide basis. The study results are as follows: First, the results from the analysis on importance-satisfaction in the selective properties showed that both attractiveness of natural landscape and excellence of surrounding environment are high. Second, the t-test with matched samples for importance-satisfaction showed that there were significant statistical differences in all items, and the users rated satisfaction lower than the importance. Third, IPA results showed that the items such as diversity of festival event, accessibility and convenience of public transportation, appropriateness of expense and kindness in service appeared in the 2nd quadrant `direction of concentrated efforts`Therefore, this study was able to identify the perception of importance-satisfaction among the users of rural theme parks. The study findings suggest that it is necessary to preserve surrounding natural environment, ensure appropriate pricing, introduce events and increase service level in constructing and operating rural theme parks.
Positioning Analysis of Oriental Melon Brand for the Marketing Activities 유통활성화를 위한 참외 브랜드 포지셔닝 분석
최돈우 Don Woo Choi , 도한우 Han Woo Do , 정종도 Jong Do Cheung , 임청룡 Qing Long Li
19(2) 11-20, 2013
Positioning Analysis of Oriental Melon Brand for the Marketing Activities
최돈우 Don Woo Choi , 도한우 Han Woo Do , 정종도 Jong Do Cheung , 임청룡 Qing Long Li
DOI: Vol.19(No.2) 11-20, 2013
Consumer preference, marketing environment and various agricultural policy were changed recently. So it is necessary to analyze the consumption behavior for selection the target market. In this paper, we analyzed the consumption behavior and the brand positioning using oriental melon. From the results of analysis, firstly, consumers`` age, job, education and the number of member of household were effected to consumption behavior of oriental melon. Secondly, the marketing factor was the most important when purchasing oriental melon. Thirdly, the brand of Sung-Ju Oriental Melon was evaluated to the best brand on brand name, brand image and brand message
Development and Effectiveness Analysis of Charrette for Improving Agricultural Product Package Design in a Rural Village -Focusing on the Recognition Changes of Voluntary Designers- 농촌마을 농특산물 포장디자인 개선을 위한 샤렛 개발 및 효과- 재능기부디자이너들의 의식변화를 중심으로 -
채혜성 Hye Sung Chae , 도경록 Kyung Rok Do , 진혜련 Hye Ryeon Jin , 이동관 Dong Gwan Lee , 홍광우 Kwang Woo Hong , 안옥선 Ok Sun Ahn , 조록환 Lok Hwan Jo
19(2) 21-33, 2013
Development and Effectiveness Analysis of Charrette for Improving Agricultural Product Package Design in a Rural Village -Focusing on the Recognition Changes of Voluntary Designers-
채혜성 Hye Sung Chae , 도경록 Kyung Rok Do , 진혜련 Hye Ryeon Jin , 이동관 Dong Gwan Lee , 홍광우 Kwang Woo Hong , 안옥선 Ok Sun Ahn , 조록환 Lok Hwan Jo
DOI: Vol.19(No.2) 21-33, 2013
In these days, agricultural products are regarded as a core income source in tourism villages. Nevertheless, poor packaging of agricultural products has threatened the competitiveness and quality of products. For farmers, it is less likely to employ individual designer for developing and improving their packages due to low accessability to rural villages and budgets. Based on this background, this study conducted ‘Charrette’ in order to improve agricultural product packaging. The target village was ‘Goraday’ in Gangwon province. This study consisted of different steps for building and implementing proper ‘Charrette’ programs. Then, it also conducted empirical investigation about the effectiveness and efficiency of ‘Charrette’. ‘Charrette’ has made progress as follows; first step was concerned with advance preparation for constructing program. Second, implementation of ‘Charratte’ included data collection and analysis, and development of design. Third, evaluation and feedback stage have given presentation and discussion about suggested design with local residents. Empirical investigation about the effectiveness and efficiency of ‘Charrette’ has been composed with survey and interview targeting participants. In survey and interviews, designers were asked about their attitudinal changes in relation to knowledge, recognition, function, motivation, and satisfaction toward ‘Charrette’ and ‘agricultural product package design’ before and after participating the event. The results showed that knowledge and perception of designers toward ‘agricultural product package design’ have positively increased. In addition, it revealed that designers were satisfied with collaborations with others and their contribution to rural community business. However, the results also suggested that sufficient preparation time/schedules and opportunity to meet other and farmers before events would be required to have better communication and understanding in relation to their tasks and role distribution. Furthermore, it is also required for designers to hold relationship with local community in order to actualize their packaging design.
Development Process of Activities about Urban and Rural Interchange and Its Characteristics for Making Continuous Profit in Underdeveloped Rural Village-The Case of Cheonjang-ri(Alps village), Mount Chilgab-Region in Comprehensive Rural Village Developmen 낙후농촌의 지속적 수익1)창출 위한 도농교류활동 개발 전개과정과 특징-농촌마을종합개발사업 칠갑산권역 천장리(알프스마을)을 사례로-
김두환 Du Han Kim
19(2) 35-49, 2013
Development Process of Activities about Urban and Rural Interchange and Its Characteristics for Making Continuous Profit in Underdeveloped Rural Village-The Case of Cheonjang-ri(Alps village), Mount Chilgab-Region in Comprehensive Rural Village Developmen
김두환 Du Han Kim
DOI: Vol.19(No.2) 35-49, 2013
The study area is Cheonjang-ri, also called Alps village, making continuous profit after performing Comprehensive Rural Village Development Projects. This study aims to determine the development process of activities about urban and rural interchange and its characteristics for making continuous profit by residents themselves. A focus on thinking about the process is necessary to make activities in order to achieve continuous profits in the underdeveloped rural village by residents themselves. As a result of this study, Alps village has developed new activities, improving problems which are encountered on the development process of activities. And, Alps village has developed new activities by linking them with previous activities. To improve problems, Alps village has made an effort by itself and cooperated with the subject, both inside and outside of the village. This way has been effective for increasing the number of visitors in village. Increasing the number of visitors in village has been effective in making a continuous profit. Also, continuing to make new activities in order to substitute previous activities including problems has been effective to increase profit.
Analysis on Community Consciousness of Leaders and Members of Rural Village Community Organizations by types-Case Study on Yesan Gun- 농촌 마을 공동체 유형에 따른 의식조사- 충남 예산군을 대상으로 -
장우석 Woo Seok Chang , 정남수 Nam Su Jung
19(2) 51-61, 2013
Analysis on Community Consciousness of Leaders and Members of Rural Village Community Organizations by types-Case Study on Yesan Gun-
장우석 Woo Seok Chang , 정남수 Nam Su Jung
DOI: Vol.19(No.2) 51-61, 2013
The purpose of this study is to conduct an analysis of rural village``s community status and consciousness through a questionnaire survey of community leaders and members. Nine types of rural village communities were selected in Korea through a pre-survey of amenity resources data from the Rural Development Administration. Survey items that could determine characteristics of rural village communities were derived from a literature survey of rural village community systems. A questionnaire survey was conducted for 12 Eup-Myeon in Yesan Gun and responses were gathered from 66 community leaders and 1,222 community members. The results derived from the data collected from the community leaders show that 50% percent of rural village communities have been operating for over 25 years, and that community works such as group purchases are carried out based on emotional sympathies between residents. The results derived from the data collected from community members show that on average, community activities are carried out at places that are between 30 and 60 minutes away. Most members are satisfied with regard to the status of their rural village community. A correlation analysis showed that the rural village community satisfaction depended on travel time, community fee, and activity time.
A comparison study on auditory scenery for sound environment improvement in Traditional Korean style housing(Han-ok) complexes in rural areas -Focused on the Traditional Korean style housing villages in Jeollanam-do- 농촌지역 한옥단지의 소리환경 개선을 위한 청각적 경관 비교 연구-전남지역 한옥주거단지를 대상으로-
신용규 Young Gyu Shin , 신훈 Hoon Shin , 국찬 Chan Kook , 김선우 Sun Woo Kim
19(2) 63-73, 2013
A comparison study on auditory scenery for sound environment improvement in Traditional Korean style housing(Han-ok) complexes in rural areas -Focused on the Traditional Korean style housing villages in Jeollanam-do-
신용규 Young Gyu Shin , 신훈 Hoon Shin , 국찬 Chan Kook , 김선우 Sun Woo Kim
DOI: Vol.19(No.2) 63-73, 2013
This study investigated the elements of soundscape in and around the traditional Korean style housing complex and the standardized Korean style housing complex popularized as farm village by Traditional Korean style housing assistance policy located in the rural area of Jeollanam-do. The purpose of this study is to understand the phenomenon and characteristic differences of the sound environments in various observation points in order to utilize them as the important elements of sound scape to consider for standardized Korean style housing complex development in the future. As a result, the traditional housing in rural area led more positive evaluation of nature sounds than standardized, newly developed Korean style housing complex. In the list of noises in each residential development type, traffic sounds and construction noise were majorly ranked. However, nature sounds had high rate of response in the sounds of introduction request. Additionally, the sounds generated by human activities such as whispering and footsteps were also in the wish list. This may suggests that soundscape design needs to approach in cultural level of a society rather than simple investigation and treatment of individual sounds of natural and artificial.
A Study on the Improvement related with the House Remodeling Support Program for Underprivileged Group in Rural Area 농촌지역 주거약자를 위한 주택 리모델링 지원사업 개선방향 설정에 관한 연구
김혜란 Hye Lan Kim , 임창수 Chang Su Kim , 김상범 Sang Bum Kim , 김은자 Eun Ja Kim , 홍광우 Kwang Woo Hong
19(2) 75-91, 2013
A Study on the Improvement related with the House Remodeling Support Program for Underprivileged Group in Rural Area
김혜란 Hye Lan Kim , 임창수 Chang Su Kim , 김상범 Sang Bum Kim , 김은자 Eun Ja Kim , 홍광우 Kwang Woo Hong
DOI: Vol.19(No.2) 75-91, 2013
In rural areas, in spite of the development projects of town and houses has been performed after the New Community Movement, due to rapid industrialization and urbanization, which lasted until the 2000s from the 1980s, out-migration to the cities, changes in the industrial structure, rapid aging was carried. As a result, the gap of housing environment between urban and rural areas became more serious. The meantime, the housing problem is recognized only to the problems of the big cities, mostly urban public housing policy oriented. However, when you check the indicator of the housing environment, such as the percentage of aging housing, rural environment has become a relatively poor compared to the city. In addition, due to a decrease in income and aging of the population living in rural areas of existing infrastructure to improve the living environment is weakened. And inside of the rural areas, changes in the housing environment and polarization phenomenon is becoming increasingly serious. Therefore, in this study, there is a purpose to be presented the improvement direction for efficient implementation of house remodeling support program for underprivileged group in rural areas and requires immediate attention improvement of housing environment. Previously, House remodeling support project in rural areas was carried out at the initiative of local governments and government mainly. For this reason, it is difficult due to limited institutional, to reflect the necessary parts directly to the real life of the residents. And, the demand for improvement of housing environment need modifications to solve the inconvenience of life of residents directly in many cases. It is considered that community-based house remodeling support project is to be carried out through the participation of local residents.
A Study on the Long Distance Trail regarding the characteristicsof Fair Tourism 광역도보관광의 공정관광적 특성에 대한 연구
이수창 Lee Soo Chang , 정욱주 Wook Ju Jeong
19(2) 93-105, 2013
A Study on the Long Distance Trail regarding the characteristicsof Fair Tourism
이수창 Lee Soo Chang , 정욱주 Wook Ju Jeong
DOI: Vol.19(No.2) 93-105, 2013
In recent years, over 100 trails were created in Korea, and Jeju Olle and Jiri Mt. Doolle trail are the most familiar and successful trails in Korea. The research aimed to find relationship between fair tourism and long distance trails. In the first step, we investigated the concept of fair tourism, and deducted 8 key-words; 1)local participation 2)resource sharing 3)provision of unique social, cultural resources 4)sovereignty of local culture 5)small_scale, low impact, eco-friendly 6)sustainable infrastructure 7)revitalize local community 8)comprehensive accommodation of a diverse tourists. Through the analysis of 3 representative sites of long distance trails, we tried to find out the distinct characteristics of fair tourism of the selected sites with evaluating criteria that was provided by UNEP and related organizations. The finding of the study could contribute to defining concept of fair tourism, and by doing so, attribute in setting up a framework of designing and planning of long distance trail under the concept of fair tourism that diverse parties could co-benefit, including local community, local government and tourists.
Quantitative Effect Evaluation and Spatial Autocorrelation Analysis of Rural Development Projects 농촌개발사업 효과의 정량적 평가 및 공간적 연관 분석
이지민 Ji Min Lee , 배연정 Yeon Joung Bae , 김태곤 Tae Gon Kim , 이정재 Jeong Jae Lee , 서교 Kyo Suh
19(2) 107-120, 2013
Quantitative Effect Evaluation and Spatial Autocorrelation Analysis of Rural Development Projects
이지민 Ji Min Lee , 배연정 Yeon Joung Bae , 김태곤 Tae Gon Kim , 이정재 Jeong Jae Lee , 서교 Kyo Suh
DOI: Vol.19(No.2) 107-120, 2013
A lot of rural development projects have been planned and implemented for revitalizing rural areas in South Korea. However, it is not easy to properly evaluate and quantitatively analyze project outcomes. For this reason only selected regions have been evaluated for rural projects by government agencies. In this study, we analyzed the purpose and the contents of the Rural Village Development Project (RVDP) and Green Tourism Village Project (GTVP) to find indicators for evaluating results of rural projects using logistic regression analysis. Outputs of this study show that RVDPs increase regional population and GTVPs positively affect the sales of agricultural products. We also estimated the spatial distribution of project effects through spatial autocorrelation analysis and local-spatial autocorrelation analysis. Results show that the Moran’s I values for the proportion of farmers with avocational jobs, product sales changes, and population growth in Jeol-La province are positive and the biggest one is population growth. Especially, key areas of agricultural product sales are widely distributed.
Spatial Distribution of CO2 Absorption Derived from Land-Cover and Stock Maps for Jecheon, Chungbuk Province 토지피복도와 임상도를 이용한 제천시의 이산화탄소 분포 추정
전정배 Jeong Bae Jeon , 나상일 Sang Il Na , 윤성수 Seong Soo Yoon , 박종화 Jong Hwa Park
19(2) 121-128, 2013
Spatial Distribution of CO2 Absorption Derived from Land-Cover and Stock Maps for Jecheon, Chungbuk Province
전정배 Jeong Bae Jeon , 나상일 Sang Il Na , 윤성수 Seong Soo Yoon , 박종화 Jong Hwa Park
DOI: Vol.19(No.2) 121-128, 2013
The greenhouse gas emission according to the energy consumption is the cause of global warming. With various climates, it is occurs the direct problems to ecosystem. The various studies are being to reduce the carbon dioxide, which accounts for more than 80% of the total greenhouse gas emissions. In this study, estimate the carbon usage using potential biomass extracted from forest type map according to land-use by satellite image, and estimate the amount of carbon dioxide, according to the energy consumption of urban area. The CO2 adsorption is extracted by the amount of forest based on the direct absorption of tree, the other used investigated value. The CO2 emission in Jecheon was 3,985,900 TCO2 by energy consumption. At the land cover classification, the forest is analyzed as 624,085ha and the farmland is 148,700ha. The carbon dioxide absorption was estimated at 1,834,850 Tons from analyzed forest. In case of farmland, it was also estimated at 706,658 Tons.
A comparative case study of neighbourhood makingfor promoting a Local amenity 지역 어메니티 촉진을 위한 마을만들기 운영사례 비교연구
이영창 Young Chang Lee , 김근호 Keun Ho Kim
19(2) 129-138, 2013
A comparative case study of neighbourhood makingfor promoting a Local amenity
이영창 Young Chang Lee , 김근호 Keun Ho Kim
DOI: Vol.19(No.2) 129-138, 2013
The aim of the research was to analyze programs, outcomes, promotion process, and operation methods of neighbourhood making to provide basic information for progressive improvement directions in the future. Buk-gu in Gwanju city, samdeok-dong in Daegu city and dongpirang in Tongyeong city were selected for a comparative analysis. The main bodies of neighbourhood making for promoting a local amenity were analysed for this research. The results indicated that a voluntary and continuous participation of residents was expected in the case of neighbourhood making led by the residents. However, a steady budget support from the outside was necessary for the continuous management and improvement of neighbourhood organization. For this, a voluntary agreement was required through the consultative group and committee formation. The member of civil organization has a limitation in the ability to develop and maintain continuos activities in the case of neighbourhood making led by a civil organization. This research found that operation methods including the constant checking, the search for new ideas through assessment of the resident``s participation, local festivals for a community formation and real satisfactions of residents`` desires were needed in the neighbourhood making led by a civil organization. A participation rate in neighbourhood making was low in the case of neighbourhood making led by administrative bodies. This result indicated that the long-term strategics for space renewal and community revitalization were important. Various easy ways of residents`` participation to reflect their interests and operation systems were also needed. Finally, current local issues, active residents`` participation and residents`` opinions would be included in the process of neighbour making in the future.
A Study on the Application of PDCA Cycle for Performance Management of Promotion Project for Local Industry 향토산업육성사업의 성과관리를 위한 PDCA Cycle의 적용
손은일 Eun Il Son , Satoshi Hoshino , 송정수 Jung Su Song
19(2) 139-148, 2013
A Study on the Application of PDCA Cycle for Performance Management of Promotion Project for Local Industry
손은일 Eun Il Son , Satoshi Hoshino , 송정수 Jung Su Song
DOI: Vol.19(No.2) 139-148, 2013
This study verified for the necessity for the comprehensive analysis of outcomes resulting from the local industry promotion project in many respects. To analyze the operation planning for performance management of local industry promotion project, this study redesigns the so-called PDCA(Plan→Do→Check→Act) model which is also known as Deming Cycle and verifies some hypotheses. To accomplish study purposes, 169 response samples from 85 project groups which drive the local industry promotion project were verified using SPSS 12.0. The findings are as follows: First, there was a positive relationship between the planing phase and the implementation phase. Second, there was also a positive relationship between the implementation phase and completion of the project phase. Third, there was a positive relationship between the planing phase and completion of the project phase. Finally, the implementation phase was a partial mediator on the relationship between the planing phase and completion of the project phase. Based on these findings, the implications and the limitations of the research findings were discussed, and recommendations for future research were provided.
The Way of Voluntourism Development for the Rural Area Revitalization-Grounded theory analysis on the Activities of WWOOF Korea- 농촌지역 활성화를 위한 볼룬투어리즘 발전방안-우프코리아 참여활동의 근거 이론적 해석-
김도훈 Do Hun Kim , 조혜령 Hye Ryeong Zoh , B. D. M. C. S. Wijethunga
19(2) 149-162, 2013
The Way of Voluntourism Development for the Rural Area Revitalization-Grounded theory analysis on the Activities of WWOOF Korea-
김도훈 Do Hun Kim , 조혜령 Hye Ryeong Zoh , B. D. M. C. S. Wijethunga
DOI: Vol.19(No.2) 149-162, 2013
This study intended to suggest Voluntourism as a solution for alternative rural tourism for regional activation. Voluntourism is a form of alternative tourism on values of variety of tourism demand from pleasure to virtue. This study analyzed actual state of WWOOF(World-Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms) activities being operated in Korean rural village, one of representative of Voluntourism. Study aimed to explore the possibility of WWOOF activity as one of model of alternative rural tourism. We apply grounded theory method one of qualitative study methods for analysis of WWOOF Activities because WWOOF is still small activity in Korea. In result, we figure out the actual condition of WWOOF Korea activities as a vouluntourism through paradigm model of host and guest who had experience in WWOOF Korea. WWOOF activity is in its early stage so there many tasks. We suggested ideas for improving WWOOF activities to be one of new rural tourism business.
A Study on Parents`` Preference and estimate Parents`` Willingness to Pay for After-school Rural Experience Program in Daegu City 방과 후 농촌체험프로그램에 대한대구시 학부모 선호 및 지불의사금액 추정
손용훈 Young Hoon Son , 권중섭 Chung Sub Kwon , 임청룡 Qing Long Lin , 장우환 Woo Whan Jang
19(2) 163-172, 2013
A Study on Parents`` Preference and estimate Parents`` Willingness to Pay for After-school Rural Experience Program in Daegu City
손용훈 Young Hoon Son , 권중섭 Chung Sub Kwon , 임청룡 Qing Long Lin , 장우환 Woo Whan Jang
DOI: Vol.19(No.2) 163-172, 2013
The purpose of this study is to survey on parents`` preference and estimate parents`` Willingness to pay(WTP) for after-school rural experience program in daegu city by choice experiment(CE). The results of this study are as follows; First, we divided after-school rural experience program into three types, namely: nature seeing, play exercise and learning experience. Second, the study has shown that parents prefer learning experience among those after-school rural experience programs. Among attributes which form a experience program, instructor certificates, consuming time and expense for participant are statistically effecting significant impact. Third, the result of estimation on willingness to pay for development of after-school rural experience program is as follow. The willingness to pay for learning experience is 6,337won, willingness to pay for instructor certificates is 14,102won and it for consuming time is 2,926won. Therefore, composition centering learning experience is better and instructor who has expert certificate is required. It is much better to compose that the consuming time is longer and the expense for experience is lower. But there is limitation because this survey was conducted based on an assumption, so it could read over estimation problem. The result of this study may provide useful information to develop after-school rural experience program using rural resources and to improve rural tourism policy.
Analysis of Cognition Characteristic for Operators’ Roles in Mountain Eco Villages - focused on an improvement of empowerment training - 산촌생태마을 운영매니저의 역할에 대한 인식 특성 분석- 역량강화교육 개선을 중심으로
김성학 Seong Hak Kim , 서정원 Jeong Weon Seo
19(2) 173-181, 2013
Analysis of Cognition Characteristic for Operators’ Roles in Mountain Eco Villages - focused on an improvement of empowerment training -
김성학 Seong Hak Kim , 서정원 Jeong Weon Seo
DOI: Vol.19(No.2) 173-181, 2013
The importance of human resources empowerment for operation and management is increasing for sustainable effects and improvement in mountain eco village development projects. This study aimed to understand the cognition characteristics of operator who works for mountain eco villages as part of the mountain village development and to suggest improvement methods in empowerment training aspects. The survey contained operator’s empowerment and operator systems in mountain eco villages and the results were analyzed for the study. Operators who joined the mountain eco village operator training course by Korea Forest Service were conducted the survey on March 12th~13th in 2012 and March 13th~15th in 2013. 69 and 58 of questionnaires were collected respectively and analyzed for the study. T-test was applied to Intergroup cognition difference and regression analysis was used for influential factors in necessity of operator’s role. Collected data was analyzed by statistical package programme SPSS 18.0 version. According to the comparison of empowerment cognition with contingent upon training experience, ‘harmony with residents’ showed significantly difference at p<0.05 level. In the recognition comparison for prospect of future mountain eco village development, ‘various training experiences’ was significantly difference at p<0.01 level between positive and negative prospect group. Regression analysis revealed that ‘communication with village leader’, ‘harmony with residents’, and ‘idea related to the project’ have an effect on necessity of operator’s empowerment significantly. Based on the results, the study suggests improved directions for operator’s empowerment training as a horizontal leader who conduces a mountain village.
A Comparative Study on rural amenitiesby principal component analysis -Targeting Chungcheongbuk-Do Farming Village Comprehensive Development Project- 주성분 분석을 이용한 농촌마을 자원항목 추출 비교 연구-충청북도 농촌마을종합개발사업을 대상으로-
주재철 Jae Choel Ju , 송이 I Song , 정다영 Da Yeong Jeong , 민흥기 Heung Gi Min , 리신호 Shin Ho Rhee
19(2) 183-192, 2013
A Comparative Study on rural amenitiesby principal component analysis -Targeting Chungcheongbuk-Do Farming Village Comprehensive Development Project-
주재철 Jae Choel Ju , 송이 I Song , 정다영 Da Yeong Jeong , 민흥기 Heung Gi Min , 리신호 Shin Ho Rhee
DOI: Vol.19(No.2) 183-192, 2013
As the number of aid projects for farming village has been increased, rural amenity is being emphasized. On the contrary, we have a shortfall in excavation and utilization of great resources due to the utilization limit for resources in each village and similarity with the resources from other areas. Thus, we’re trying to investigate the ways to make effective use of excellent amenities for farming village development project. In this study, through the principal component analysis, we tried to extract the key factors from the selected areas and examine actual application case of resources. This study categorized the key resource into the big class such as development, farming, nature and experiencing and target areas were categorized into two main classes accordingly. The finding shows 5 example places selected as great areas are taking advantage of extracted excellent resources and 2 target areas are also utilizing enough of excellent resources of each area. Not only limit of used items, subjective view of researcher and resources of each area but also participatory intention of residents and management ways should be additionally considered for another study from now on.
A Study on the Rural Development Information System using ISP Methodology 정보 전략 계획(ISP)을 통한 농촌지역개발사업 정보시스템 구축방안
김미영 Mi Young Kim , 임상봉 Sang Bong Lim , 장보람 Bo Ram Jang , 강성길 Seong Kil Kang , 김도훈 Do Hoon Kim , 홍재주 Jae Joo Hong
19(2) 193-202, 2013
A Study on the Rural Development Information System using ISP Methodology
김미영 Mi Young Kim , 임상봉 Sang Bong Lim , 장보람 Bo Ram Jang , 강성길 Seong Kil Kang , 김도훈 Do Hoon Kim , 홍재주 Jae Joo Hong
DOI: Vol.19(No.2) 193-202, 2013
This study aims at suggesting some measures to establish rural community development information system through ISP. A future model for rural community development information system was established by applying such 3-step ISP methodology as environment analysis, current status(AS-IS) analysis, future(To-Be) directions. As a result, with the vision of realizing comprehensive information service for rural development projects, rural development information system has established such goals as the assistance of project decision making through preparing rural development project data management system and acquiring evaluation efficiency, the preparation of spatial information utilization system, the utilization of objective GIS-based information through the increase of data management efficiency, the community activation and participatory rural development through rural spatial information portal service. In order to attain the goals, four strategical subject matters were derived. They are: 1) one-stop service subject matter for data management including pilot DB building for rural development projects, 2) rural information GIS service strengthening subject matter including DB building for rural development, O&M measures, 3) step-by-step DB building subject matter including the sharing of integrated information system for rural development, and 4) core value increase subject matter of spatial information data including the building of active service delivery system.