Structural Differentiation of Rural Service Industries in Korean Island Areas 농촌계획 : 읍,면급 섬지역 서비스산업의 구조적 분화
박용진 Yong Jin Park , 최수명 Soo Myung Choi , 조은정 Eun Jung Cho
19(1) 1-10, 2013
Structural Differentiation of Rural Service Industries in Korean Island Areas
박용진 Yong Jin Park , 최수명 Soo Myung Choi , 조은정 Eun Jung Cho
DOI: Vol.19(No.1) 1-10, 2013
By the continued island-mainland bridging works, increased consumer demand for seashore regions and fundamental improvement of accessibility to metropolitan areas, rural service industries in the island areas has been rapidly developed in the past decades, and also, their functions differentiated geographically. In most island areas, catering and accommodation sectors have been expanded, while traditional trading sector decreasing. And the dominant power of public sectors has been increased but private ones decreased. So, the overall development trends of service industries in island areas would be considered as unhealthy for rural economic sustainability. As a tentative solution, it may be proposed that through the functional specialization/differentiation and efficient linking/networking of rural service industries with multifunctionality of countryside capitals, their spatial cohesion would be strengthened.
Demographic Transition in Eup/Myon-level Island Areas in Rural Korea 농촌계획 : 읍면소재지 섬지역의 인구변화
박종호 Jong Ho Park , 최수명 Soo Myung Choi , 조은정 Eun Jung Cho , 김영택 Young Taek Kim , 박수영 Su Young Park
19(1) 11-21, 2013
Demographic Transition in Eup/Myon-level Island Areas in Rural Korea
박종호 Jong Ho Park , 최수명 Soo Myung Choi , 조은정 Eun Jung Cho , 김영택 Young Taek Kim , 박수영 Su Young Park
DOI: Vol.19(No.1) 11-21, 2013
The island areas have disadvantageous conditions compared to inland areas due to the characteristics which are separated, surrounded by seas, isolated. However, as the problems with separation that ultimately caused regional underdevelopment in island areas have been eased by the artificial works linking an island to land and the societal perspective on littoral districts has changed from productive view to consumptive view, the population trend in the island areas has been differentiated according to the regional conditions. But it is the reality that the population trend in the island areas has almost never been analyzed. In this regard, this study tried to analyze the overall demographic transition in eup/myon-level island areas and provide the basic data to establish flexibly and accurately regional development policies for island areas in rural As a result, as the regional conditions of island areas become more various, the potential and conditions of development have been differentiated and these trends will be more intensified. In response, the regional development policies for island areas in rural have to be reorganized actively.
Historical Dating of Boundary Barriers in Rural Villages 농촌계획 : 농촌마을 담장의 역사적 변천과정 탐색
임종현 Jong Hyeon Lim , 최수명 Soo Myung Choi
19(1) 23-32, 2013
Historical Dating of Boundary Barriers in Rural Villages
임종현 Jong Hyeon Lim , 최수명 Soo Myung Choi
DOI: Vol.19(No.1) 23-32, 2013
In the traditional subsistence farming era in Korea, most of small farmer`s housing plots in the rural villages had their boundary barriers of which materials being the natural ones provided from nearby places. However, during the rapid industrialization period from 1960s, a traditional type of boundary barriers in the rural villages had been replaced mostly by low-cost factory-made ones, which means absolute loss of their amenity values as a linear part of villagescape. In spite of many study efforts on boundary barriers of traditional rural houses, detailed historical dating on them after 1960s have not tried up to now, which provoked to try this study. Through the direct and in-depth interviews to rural villagers sampled from 21 case villages, it was found that original boundary barriers structure in most of farm houses was made of natural materials like stone, soil, trees and bamboo, but, replaced by cement block structures mostly during Saemaeul Project period. However, although being relatively minority, traditional ones have been preserved up to now mainly in remote mountainous and seashore villages, but was in very low condition. In the overall view, for more than half a century, boundary barriers of farm houses had been left without public or private improvement efforts. In order to enhance their amenity values, more research works should be carried out on positive reassessment of the traditional ones harmonized with multifunctionalities for modern village life.
A Study on Direction for Rural Community Building 농촌계획 : 구례군의 사례를 통하여 본 농촌마을만들기의 방향
서정호 Chung Ho Seo
19(1) 33-41, 2013
A Study on Direction for Rural Community Building
서정호 Chung Ho Seo
DOI: Vol.19(No.1) 33-41, 2013
Community building has been carried out from around the year 2000 by various statutes and government policies in Korea. This study suggested direction of the future for rural community building as surveyed cases of completed four villages in Gurye-county. In order to achieve this study`s objectives, investigated previous studies and interviewed 75 person`s residents in cases villagers. The target villages are Sangsa, Omi, Chamsaimigol and Artists village. As survey results, four villages utilized local resources, most of villages were focused perform hardware. On the other hand, Chamsaimigol was parallel software. In addition, communities didn`t form and not agree with concept of community building as culture, education, welfare, etc., also didn`t creation the case of village income. but active village as base development. Therefor, proposed the point to education, culture and welfare, base development and generating of income as directions for future rural community building. These directions are consistent with the concept of community building and the goal that improve the quality of life of residents ultimately through community building.
Analysis on the Actual Conditions for Efficient Use of Rural Closed School in Chungchungnam-do -Focused on Closed School Operators- 농촌계획 : 충청남도 농촌 폐교자원의 효율적 활용을 위한 현황분석 -폐교 운영자를 대상으로-
장우석 Woo Seok Chang , 정남수 Nam Su Jung , 권영현 Young Hyun Kwon
19(1) 43-54, 2013
Analysis on the Actual Conditions for Efficient Use of Rural Closed School in Chungchungnam-do -Focused on Closed School Operators-
장우석 Woo Seok Chang , 정남수 Nam Su Jung , 권영현 Young Hyun Kwon
DOI: Vol.19(No.1) 43-54, 2013
School closings in rural area continue to occur due to drops in population in those areas. Many studies have been done in order to effectively utilize such closed schools. However, there is a lack of studies targeting operators of the closed facilities for revitalization. Therefore, the goal of this research is understanding the real operational status of and finding solutions for the closed schools after studying the current operational status of the closed schools by conducting surveys with their operators. The survey was performed with closed-school-operators in Chungcheongnam-Do as the target; and the analysis was conducted regarding the acquisition type of the closed schools (purchase, lease), building condition, repair and construction status, annual visitors, operational days, operational fees, seasonal ups and downs, operational profits, and satisfaction of local government support. The results showed that there were differences with visitors and operational days along acquisition types as well as low operational profits and seasonal ups and downs including dissatisfaction of local government support. In this study, institutional and political improvement measurements were suggested for the effective operation of the closed facilities based on the main results.
Performance Analysis on Income Generation Works in Comprehensive Rural Village Development Project by Their Implementation 농촌계획 : 농촌마을종합개발사업의 공동소득사업 성과분석
양원식 Won Sik Yang , 최수명 Soo Myung Choi
19(1) 55-70, 2013
Performance Analysis on Income Generation Works in Comprehensive Rural Village Development Project by Their Implementation
양원식 Won Sik Yang , 최수명 Soo Myung Choi
DOI: Vol.19(No.1) 55-70, 2013
Since 2004, Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries(MIFAFF) has been carrying out comprehensive rural village development project as the core one of Rural Area Development Schemes in Korea. Up to now, 56 projects had been completed after having with 5-year plan implementation period, on which it is possible to try post-project evaluation works. This study aims to propose a rational income-generation works model of comprehensive rural village development project, based on fulfillment checking results of their statutory stepwise working procedures specified in the project guidelines and their interim/post project performance analysis results in 56 project areas above mentioned. In comprehensive rural village development project, income-generation works generally have both quantitative and qualitative effects to rural communities; the former is focussed on income increasement of villagers, while the latter on community revitalization through job creation and spill-over effects of other linked community activities. So, the research works of this study focussed on these two comprehensive effects above mentioned.
An Analysis of Residents` Supplementation Demand and Expected Effect by Types of Mountain Village Development Project 농촌계획 : 산촌생태마을 유형별 주민 보완 요구 및 기대 효과 분석
김성학 Seong Hak Kim , 서정원 Jeong Weon Seo , 박영선 Young Sun Park , 김종호 Jong Ho Kim
19(1) 71-80, 2013
An Analysis of Residents` Supplementation Demand and Expected Effect by Types of Mountain Village Development Project
김성학 Seong Hak Kim , 서정원 Jeong Weon Seo , 박영선 Young Sun Park , 김종호 Jong Ho Kim
DOI: Vol.19(No.1) 71-80, 2013
This study aimed to categorize mountain villages according to business expense investments and investigate residents` supplementation demands and differences between expected effects by the categories. For the study, 35 villages where are completely developed on and after 2007 were selected to consider fairness among local governments. Each village leader(the head of the village or the chairperson of the management committee) was conducted a survey from 2012 May to August and one copy of survey was eliminated from the study. The study is summarized into four results. First, the types of mountain villages were categorized as a type of mountain village practice(18), a type of life environment improvement(8) and a type of forestry income(8) according by the itemized reports of the business expense investments. Second, the result of F-test(One Way ANOVA) for the average analysis by types showed that 3 out of 6 demands for the operation were significant differences and a supplementation necessity of the program was identified significant differences in p<0.01 level. The necessity of forestry resources use and sprawling development prevention are also showed significant differences among types in p<0.05 level. Third, F-test results from 7 questions of desired effects through mountain village creation project revealed that promotion and market security of forestry products and local patriotism instillation through a personal exchange are significant differences between types in p<0.05 level. Forth, the results of duplication benefits(the mountain village development projects and the village support programs with other departments) on the residents` development expectation found that when a village received a large number of projects, residents` expected effects were higher than other village residents where received relatively a small number of projects. However, the expected effects from the increasing quantities of projects were decreased.
The Spatial Location Analysis of Rural Village and Amenity Resources 농촌계획 : 농촌마을 공간특성과 어메니티자원의 입지분석
최영완 Young Wan Choi , 김영주 Young Joo Kim
19(1) 81-90, 2013
The Spatial Location Analysis of Rural Village and Amenity Resources
최영완 Young Wan Choi , 김영주 Young Joo Kim
DOI: Vol.19(No.1) 81-90, 2013
The aim of the research was to analyze a correlation between rural villages and a space of amenity resources in order to provide objective basic data for rural renewal planning in the future. 15 villages were selected to analyze amenity resources. A Space Syntax Method(SSM) was used to analyze a spacial structure of each village and location characteristics of amenity resources. Finally, Statistical Package for the Social Sciences(SPSS) was used for a cluster analysis. The results of spacial analysis showed that the MeanDepth of rural villages was 4.482 and Global Integration Value(GInteg) was 0.956. Relatively, a depth was lower and GInteg was higher, compared to other villages. Rural villages were easily recognized and accessible by outsiders, compared to mountain and fishing villages. In the case of rural villages, the MeanDepth of amenity resources was low and GInteg was high in the results of cluster analysis using a nonhierachical method. Results indicated that an access was easy and amenity resources were closely located each other. However, the deviation of each village was great in mountain villages. This research suggests that an effective maintenance of road network for improving accessibility would be given priority in an undeveloped farming and fishing villages` renewal. Especially, using a spacial analysis in village renewal planning process can improve accessibility and maximize an utilization of public facilities and amenity resources.
A study on the Activation of Rural Village Related with the Trail -Focused on the Analysis of Field Investigation on the Rural Villages are Located Near the Jeju Olle Trail- 농촌계획 : 도보여행길과 연계한 농촌마을 활성화 방안에 관한 연구 -제주 올레길 주변 농촌마을 현장실태 조사를 중심으로-
임창수 Chang Su Lim , 홍광우 Kwang Woo Hong , 김은자 Eun Ja Kim , 김혜란 Hye Ran Kim , 최진아 Jin Ah Choi
19(1) 91-107, 2013
A study on the Activation of Rural Village Related with the Trail -Focused on the Analysis of Field Investigation on the Rural Villages are Located Near the Jeju Olle Trail-
임창수 Chang Su Lim , 홍광우 Kwang Woo Hong , 김은자 Eun Ja Kim , 김혜란 Hye Ran Kim , 최진아 Jin Ah Choi
DOI: Vol.19(No.1) 91-107, 2013
In recent years, the number of walking-tourists who visit Jeju olle trail are increasing every year and the ripple effect is a rapid change on the roles and leadership of local people in rural villages. The reason for the change is that most Jeju Olle Trails cuts through the rural village in Jeju island. However, most of travelers just walked along the trails, no one was interested about villages along the Olle roads. For these reasons, many rural villages would not get any benefits such as non-farm income, sales profit and also can not activate the facility of village and infrastructure. Therefore, we study on Revitalization Method for rural villages through the Analysis of characteristics of tourist in Jeju Olle Trails and a field survey research too. In this process, we investigated the status and characteristics of the rural villages of Jeju island in the first step. Then, we considered the distinct characteristics and factors for improving of the 10 places with site investigation where were recommended by Jeju Olle Corporation and Jeju Agricultural Technology Center in second step. Lastly, we arranged the resident`s requirement and result of survey and interview with leaders of rural village. As a result, we suggest the activation methods for residents and leaders of rural area and this study is also expected to help management of rural villages and also is an important study to improve importance of utilizing of more people visiting in Jeju Olle Trails.
Development of the Marginal Scale of Rural Over-Depopulated Village by Analysing the Rural Residential Conditions 농촌계획 : 농촌마을 정주환경분석을 통한 과소마을 임계규모 결정지표 개발
배연정 Yeon Joung Bae , 이지민 Ji Min Lee , 서교 Kyo Suh , 이정재 Jeong Jae Lee
19(1) 109-122, 2013
Development of the Marginal Scale of Rural Over-Depopulated Village by Analysing the Rural Residential Conditions
배연정 Yeon Joung Bae , 이지민 Ji Min Lee , 서교 Kyo Suh , 이정재 Jeong Jae Lee
DOI: Vol.19(No.1) 109-122, 2013
The rapid rural urban migration and aging has generated an over-depopulation problems in rural areas since the 1980s. The purpose of this study constructs the marginal size of rural over-depopulated village through the analysis of the residential disparities such as farmer`s ratio, basic life service accessibility, and levels of social and economic factors for each village community. This marginal scale could support evaluating diverse rural policies, which have been planned to apply to the rural development programs at the village level. The major challenges for over-depopulated villages are the lack of basic facilities, production infrastructures and inactive communities in the village. Therefore, the quantitative analysis of rural residential disparities according to rural village scale can provide the criteria for rural over-depopulated villages. We utilized Korea Agricultural Survey Data(2010) including specific residential condition of village level. The present study adopt multinomial-logit model for quantitative analysis of different village scales and decomposition techniques to separate the direct effect by the village scale factor from the endowment effects by regional or area characteristics, and residual effect by unknown factors. The present study found that the minimum scale of a rural over-depopulated village was 40 and 60 houses for the respective conditions of farmer`s ratios less than 50% and greater than 75%. It was concluded based on the study findings that threshold scale could support evaluating the diverse rural policies, which have been planned to apply to the rural development programs at the village level.
Analysis of Industry-dependent Employment Change Factors in Rural Areas: Targeting 5 Counties in Chungnam 농촌계획 : 농촌지역 산업별 고용변화요인 분석 -충남 5개 군을 대상으로-
김정태 Jung Tae Kim
19(1) 123-135, 2013
Analysis of Industry-dependent Employment Change Factors in Rural Areas: Targeting 5 Counties in Chungnam
김정태 Jung Tae Kim
DOI: Vol.19(No.1) 123-135, 2013
The purpose of this study is to investigate industry-wise employment growth factors in rural areas. Regional economic vitalization is sensitive to internal and external interaction changes among various industrial and occupational sectors. Thus, rural regional economic vitalization requires a comprehensive approach in analyzing industry-dependent employment structures and growth factors in rural areas. However, research conducted thus far has mostly focused on agriculture and farmers. Considering the evidence that rural communities continue to be stagnant and 80% of the rural population is engaged in nonagricultural activities, it becomes necessary to review industry-specific employment change factors in rural areas. This study targeted 5 counties in Chungnam. The results revealed that agriculture, forestry, and fisheries occupied the foremost positions with regard to population employed and regional GRDP share. The influence of national growth on employment and business variation effects was as high as 98.1% and 78.6%, respectively, thus demonstrating the high likelihood of rural economy to be influenced by external factors. Growth in the public sector appeared to support employment structure. Moreover, wholesale and retail businesses, constituting 14.4% of employment in rural areas, showed a strong trend toward degeneration, to the extent that difficulties have been forecasted for the supply of goods and services essential for basic livelihood of the rural residents. The implications based on the above observations need to be considered for policy-making to ensure that industrial structure is modified on the basis of internal demand of the region, and support for small businesses is integrated in rural area development projects.
A Study on the Effect of Resident Participatory Education Program in Fishing Village -Focused on Improvement of Community Attachment and Sense of Community- 농촌계획 : 어촌마을 주민참여 교육 프로그램 효과성 분석에 관한 연구 -지역애착도와 공동체의식 향상을 중심으로-
박혜은 Hye Eun Park
19(1) 137-147, 2013
A Study on the Effect of Resident Participatory Education Program in Fishing Village -Focused on Improvement of Community Attachment and Sense of Community-
박혜은 Hye Eun Park
DOI: Vol.19(No.1) 137-147, 2013
The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of “resident participatory education programs”. This study methods was that applied this education programs to the residents of the fishing village after develop of education programs, and was surveyed to ninety five residents of these. As a result of the survey, “community attachment” and “sense of community” showed statistically significant differences from consciousness before and after education. Also, difference of residents consciousness according to the presence or absence of an education showed the same trend too. And, If in the presence or absence of the educational experience, residents consciousness was improved after the education programs. In other words, an education programs applied to in this study can be said to effective to that raise awareness of the residents. And this can be said to contribute in empowerment too.
A Study on the analysis of location on the traditional rural village forest in South Korea 농촌계획 : 전통마을 숲의 GIS-DB구축 및 분포 특성 분석에 관한 연구
박미정 Mee Jeong Park , 김상범 Sang Bum Kim , 장철순 Choul Soon Jang , 신민지 Min Ji Shin , 김은자 Eun Ja Kim
19(1) 149-164, 2013
A Study on the analysis of location on the traditional rural village forest in South Korea
박미정 Mee Jeong Park , 김상범 Sang Bum Kim , 장철순 Choul Soon Jang , 신민지 Min Ji Shin , 김은자 Eun Ja Kim
DOI: Vol.19(No.1) 149-164, 2013
This article purposes to make a GIS database of South Korea rural village forest. So we first tried to collect data of their geographic coordinates or location from the many references on the rural village forest. As the result, we collected locations of the 634 forests. Boundaries of the 462 forests could be made by using their satellite imagery. Finally we implemented GIS database of the 462 traditional rural village forest in South Korea. Furthermore we surveyed 100 forests out of them. They were analyzed in the view of location, area, wood species, cultural assets and activities of inhabitants. These data can be used in the rural village planning and I look forward this database is helpful to preserve existing traditional rural village groves as a lasting legacy.
Rural Village Development Project Model on Target for Strengthening Culture of Place 농촌계획 : 장소의 문화화를 타겟으로 한 농촌마을 권역종합정비사업 모델 -영천시 가상권역 사업을 중심으로-
한성미 Sung Mi Han , 엄붕훈 Boong Hoon Eom
19(1) 165-177, 2013
Rural Village Development Project Model on Target for Strengthening Culture of Place
한성미 Sung Mi Han , 엄붕훈 Boong Hoon Eom
DOI: Vol.19(No.1) 165-177, 2013
This study deals with rural village development project of Gasangri, Yeongcheon city area, based on the use of the cultural factors and strengthening them in study area. Unlike other cases of today`s Korean rural village development projects, this plan keenly concerns not only for tourists but also for the village people. Since culture means the quality of life also, this project especially deals with ``community``, ``well-being``, and ``convenience`` for the inhabitants. On the other hand, it attempts to connect with “Cyan Museum”, which is the first grade art gallery remodelled from closed school, to make village of culturally abundant atmosphere. In result, seven sub-projects of the expansion of basic living foundation, and two improvement of landscape in area have planned. Among stereotype of rural development projects and similar programs of tourism, the project makes difference on targeting for the meaning and resource of place culture.
A Study on the Rural Landscape Planning in Rural Village Development Projects -Yesan O-chon District- 농촌계획 : 농촌마을종합개발사업 경관계획수립에 관한 연구 -예산 오촌권역-
백승석 Seoung Seok Beak , 민흥기 Heung Gi Min , 문영숙 Young Suk Moon , 정기호 Ki Ho Jung
19(1) 179-188, 2013
A Study on the Rural Landscape Planning in Rural Village Development Projects -Yesan O-chon District-
백승석 Seoung Seok Beak , 민흥기 Heung Gi Min , 문영숙 Young Suk Moon , 정기호 Ki Ho Jung
DOI: Vol.19(No.1) 179-188, 2013
This study has been performed with the purpose of making Rural Village Development Project Landscape Plan in which landscape characteristics in rural villages are reflected so that landscape in the medium to long term shall be established and managed. The issue that has been brought up is that procedures of Rural Landscape Plan and Rural Village Development Project Landscape Plan have been focused on facilities. The study carries out resources survey in agriculture, daily life and history and culture to make Rural Village Development Project Landscape Plan in O-chon district. Through landscape evaluation map participated by local residents, landscape management areas which they can form and manage have been established. The study also suggests Projects and guidelines appropriate to management areas. The study has a different signification from the existing Rural Village Development Project Landscape Plan which is fundamentally devoted to specific projects. The study shows Landscape Plan in the medium to long term and suggests guidelines available to be used by residents.
A study on the Development course of guideline for fostering the Rural village roads 농촌계획 : 농촌마을길 조성을 위한 가이드라인 개발 방향 연구
김은자 Eun Ja Kim , 이유경 Yoo Kyoung Lee , 김상범 Sang Bum Kim , 임창수 Chang Su Lim , 박미정 Mi Jung Park , 최진아 Jin Ah Choi , 이정원 Jeung Won Lee
19(1) 189-207, 2013
A study on the Development course of guideline for fostering the Rural village roads
김은자 Eun Ja Kim , 이유경 Yoo Kyoung Lee , 김상범 Sang Bum Kim , 임창수 Chang Su Lim , 박미정 Mi Jung Park , 최진아 Jin Ah Choi , 이정원 Jeung Won Lee
DOI: Vol.19(No.1) 189-207, 2013
This study aimed to draw the plan elements and characteristics that should be considered in case when developing guidelines to build up roads in rural villages. Drawing the construction elements necessary for building up roads through the advanced researches, the survey was conducted for relevant experts in order to evaluate the importance of each plan element of route plan, design & construction and operation & management. The result determined total 105 contents that should be considered in case when building up roads in rural villages. The study on building up roads in rural villages as a strategy to vitalize rural areas means universal roads that connect each village with rural amenities in various values like walking tour road, visit roads and observation roads. It is considered that the development of guidelines for building up roads in rural villages could be used as a basic data to build up roads where nature, culture and history of rural areas can be effectively experienced and enjoyed.
An Establishment Specialization the Planning of Fishing Villages in Biando via Analysing Amenity Resources 농촌계획 : 어메니티자원 분석을 통한 비안도 어촌 마을 특화계획
이찬 Chan Lee , 이두형 Doo Hyeong Lee , 강현경 Hyun Kyung Kang , 안경진 Kyung Jin An
19(1) 209-220, 2013
An Establishment Specialization the Planning of Fishing Villages in Biando via Analysing Amenity Resources
이찬 Chan Lee , 이두형 Doo Hyeong Lee , 강현경 Hyun Kyung Kang , 안경진 Kyung Jin An
DOI: Vol.19(No.1) 209-220, 2013
The aim of this study is to establish the planning of Biando fishing village where can be well-known fishing villages in Korea. In order to have highlighted a tourist attractions, the identities of Biando fishing village were investigated natural resources, amenity resources, ecological resources and so on. Based on these resources, the planning of Biando fishing village considers to between community facilities and community spaces. To create the attractive fishing village, the study was underwent 5 process. The 5 process is followed as; 1) Choose the planning site 2) Literature review 3) Fields survey 4) Site Analysis 5) Spatial Planning. Through those results, Biando fishing village were classified 4 spaces. Each 4 spaces have got their own theme. The main focus of 4 spaces was associated with communicating between space and space, connecting between space and space. The first space theme was 「Meeting the geese」 and the main focus of planning was entry space creating. The second space theme was 「Walking in the heaven」 and the main focus of planning was ecological resource exploring space and relaxing space. The third space theme was 「Secret of shingle beach」 and the main focus of planning was leisure and experience space. Last space theme was 「Falling into the sea」 and the main focus of planning was trekking and leisure space.
The Determinants of Business on The Private Consulting Firms of Rural Development 농촌계획 : 농촌지역개발 민간컨설팅회사 경영성과 결정요인
김정태 Jung Tae Kim
19(1) 221-231, 2013
The Determinants of Business on The Private Consulting Firms of Rural Development
김정태 Jung Tae Kim
DOI: Vol.19(No.1) 221-231, 2013
The purpose of this study is to investigate the business performance determinants of private consulting firms supporting bottom-up local development projects in rural areas. Under the shortage of well-trained rural development professionals, Private consulting firms support rural development projects driven by the residents. Considering the important role for consulting firms to play in the success in rural development projects, it becomes necessary to review the circumstances of consulting market on rural development projects. This study targeted 80 companies that are listed in the book rural development consulting firms. Analysis showed that factors influencing the business performance are not professional competencies but other external factors. The implications based on the above results need to be considered for policy-making to ensure that consulting company selection must be guaranteed of the consulting firms`capability by detailed fields of consulting firms` capability, and the training system for rural development experts must be formed.