A Study on Policy Model of Promotion Project for Local Industry for Endogenous Rural Development 농촌계획 : 내생적 지역발전을 위한 향토산업육성사업의 정책모형에 관한 연구
손은일 Eun Il Son , 성야민 Satoshi Hoshino
18(4) 1-12, 2012
A Study on Policy Model of Promotion Project for Local Industry for Endogenous Rural Development
손은일 Eun Il Son , 성야민 Satoshi Hoshino
DOI: Vol.18(No.4) 1-12, 2012
This study postulates a partial mediation model(study model Ⅰ) and a whole mediation model(study model Ⅱ) to examine the effect on endogenous rural development of local innovation capability strengthening in the local industry promotion project, the establishment of promotion system, and the revitalization of local economy. To accomplish study purposes, 169 response samples from 85 project groups which drive the local industry promotion project were verified using SPSS 12.0 and AMOS 5.0. The results showed that in the partial mediation model, the local innovation capability strengthening had a significantly positive effect on the establishment of promotion system, the establishment of promotion system had a significant effect on the revitalization of local economy, and the revitalization of local economy had a significant effect on the endogenous rural development, while the establishment of promotion system and local innovation capability strengthening didn`t have effect on the endogenous rural development. In the whole mediation model, the local innovation capability strengthening had a significant effect on the revitalization of local economy, the establishment of promotion system on the revitalization of local economy, and the revitalization of local economy on the endogenous rural development. According to the verifications of study model Ⅰ and Ⅱ, the endogenous rural development is achieved after the revitalization of local economy through the establishment of promotion system and the local innovation capability strengthening. From these results, this study presents suggestions, limits of study and directions in the future study.
The Development and Application of Biotop Value Assessment Tool(B-VAT) Based on GIS to Measure Landscape Value of Biotop 농촌계획 : GIS 기반 비오톱 경관가치 평가도구(B-VAT)의 개발 및 적용
조현주 Hyun Ju Cho , 나정화 Jung Hwa Ra , 권오성 Oh Sung Kwon
18(4) 13-26, 2012
The Development and Application of Biotop Value Assessment Tool(B-VAT) Based on GIS to Measure Landscape Value of Biotop
조현주 Hyun Ju Cho , 나정화 Jung Hwa Ra , 권오성 Oh Sung Kwon
DOI: Vol.18(No.4) 13-26, 2012
The purpose of this study is to select the study area, which will be formed into Daegu Science Park as an national industrial complex, and to assess the landscape value based on biotop classification with different polygon forms, and to develop and computerize Biotop Value Assessment Tool (B-VAT) based on GIS. The result is as follows. First, according to the result of biotop classification based on an advanced analysis on preliminary data, a field study, and a literature review, total 13 biotop groups such as forrest biotop groups and total 63 biotop types were classified. Second, based on the advanced research on landscape value assessment model of biotop, we development biotop value assessment tool by using visual basic programming language on the ArcGIS. The first application result with B-VAT showed that the first grade was classified into 19 types including riverside forest(BE), the second grade 12 types including artificial plantation(ED), and the third class, the fourth grade, and the fifth grade 12 types, 2 types, and 18 types respectively. Also, according to the second evaluation result with above results, we divided a total number of 31 areas and 34 areas, which had special meaning for landscape conservation(1a, 1b) and which had meaning for landscape conservation(2a, 2b, 2c). As such, biotop type classification and an landscape value evaluation, both of which were suggested from the result of the study, will help to scientifically understand a landscape value for a target land before undertaking reckless development. And it will serve to provide important preliminary data aimed to overcome damaged landscape due to developed and to manage a landscape planning in the future. In particular, we expect that B-VAT based on GIS will help overcome the limitations of applicability for of current value evaluation models, which are based on complicated algorithms, and will be a great contribution to an increase in convenience and popularity. In addition, this will save time and improve the accuracy for hand-counting. However, this study limited to aesthetic-visual part in biotop assessment. Therefore, it is certain that in the future research comprehensive assessment should be conducted with conservation and recreation view.
Determinants of Utilization & Satisfaction for the Exploit of Community Centers in Rural Area 농촌계획 : 농촌지역 마을회관 이용 활용도와 만족도에 관한 결정요인 분석
이병훈 Byoung Hoon Lee , 김동원 Dong Weon Kim , 박혜진 Hye Jin Park , 윤영석 Yeong Seok Yun
18(4) 27-34, 2012
Determinants of Utilization & Satisfaction for the Exploit of Community Centers in Rural Area
이병훈 Byoung Hoon Lee , 김동원 Dong Weon Kim , 박혜진 Hye Jin Park , 윤영석 Yeong Seok Yun
DOI: Vol.18(No.4) 27-34, 2012
The purpose of this study is to analyze the community center users` the determinants of utilization & satisfaction for the exploit and to draw out the implication as to what are the influencing factors. The ordered logit model approach was used to examine the determinants. For the use of community center, we surveyed by mail subjecting on rural residents for one month, June 2012, analyzed 625 valid questionnaires. The findings are as follows. First, ``Facility-Satisfaction``, ``Education``, ``Exploit-Frequency`` and ``Age`` are the most important factors which affect users` satisfaction. Second, ``A meeting hall function``, ``Cultural & Educational function``, ``Social & Organizational function``, and ``functional criticality function`` influence the attributes of users` utilization. Therefore, it is needed to establish the various functions of community center and to prepare the vitalization plan in futuristic viewpoint reflecting the change of rural area. In addition, since there is no clear entity to supervise community center administratively, policy support system to community center should be equipped. Along with these, it is needed to develop managing and operation model for customized community center.
A Study on Development Direction for the Establishment of the Rural Landscape Planning 농촌계획 : 경관관련 제도변화에 따른 농촌경관계획의 발전방안 연구
김상범 Sang Bum Kim , 손호기 Ho Gi Son , 김은자 Eun Ja Kim , 이동관 Dong Gwan Lee
18(4) 35-44, 2012
A Study on Development Direction for the Establishment of the Rural Landscape Planning
김상범 Sang Bum Kim , 손호기 Ho Gi Son , 김은자 Eun Ja Kim , 이동관 Dong Gwan Lee
DOI: Vol.18(No.4) 35-44, 2012
The main contents of revision of the rural landscape planning according to Landscape Law discussed in this study show that the urban landscape and rural landscape have a propulsion system which integrate them into the national landscape and manages through the landscape planning. However, management and conservation reflecting the fundamental difference between urban and rural areas are needed. Planning the landscape by generalizing the size of the population, administrative district, the surface area does not meet the ultimate purpose of the Landscape Law that tries to establish differentiated local landscapes. Therefore, the association of professionals who can support and establish a propulsion system for landscape planning with the consideration of regional characteristics. For the urban landscape, the landscape committee is fulfilling the role, but none is available for the rural areas. This study is mostly based on previous literatures, however, in the future, it is desirable to have selected pilot areas for different landscape types and review problems that may occur during the application and process, in order to establish the landscape guidelines for the rural landscape plan.
Approach for the Flow Analysis of Changing Central-place function and Basic demand between The Central City and Small town 농촌계획 : 유량적 접근을 통한 지역거점도시와 읍면소재지의 중심기능 및 기초수요변화 -공주시와 유구읍의 1995-2009년 소매점 및 접객업소 변화를 중심으로-
김정태 Jung Tae Kim
18(4) 45-60, 2012
Approach for the Flow Analysis of Changing Central-place function and Basic demand between The Central City and Small town
김정태 Jung Tae Kim
DOI: Vol.18(No.4) 45-60, 2012
The purpose of this study is to approach for the flow analysis of changing central-place functions and basic demands between the central city and the small town. Under the rural society progressed, this study examines how the small town changes in the relation to the central city. The subject of study is based on changes in demand for retail and hospitality. The small town is providing basic demands and urban services primary for the rural in the settlement system. Because of the rural depopulation and the aging of society, Retail and hospitality in the rural is reducing of the facility followed. But the majority of related researches are stocks approach. These studies are useful to find out the characteristic of small town, but is difficult to consider the influence of the central city. In this situation after this study using the function index is set up a concept model, it examines for the basis of changes in demand for the small town. The result of the analysis is that the changes of retail and hospitality are more severe in the more small town than in the central city. Whereas the small town with a population decline is consistent with the reduced number of branches, Population growth in the central city is reduced to the number of the Number of branches. The central-place function has been strengthened in the central city. While the younger generation, recreation, etc. related retail are disappearing rapidly, the mainstream of small town is grocery, home improvement, restaurants.
Psychological Characteristic Analysis of Brick Wall Bonds in Rural Area 농촌계획 : 농촌지역 공간의 벽돌 담장 줄눈에 나타난 심리적 특성 분석
김대현 Dae Hyun Kim
18(4) 61-67, 2012
Psychological Characteristic Analysis of Brick Wall Bonds in Rural Area
김대현 Dae Hyun Kim
DOI: Vol.18(No.4) 61-67, 2012
Recently, brick walls are being widely introduced in rural areas. Walls are a very important design element of space. However, most brick wall works do not consider the human psychological characteristics. The purpose of this study was to investigate psychological characteristics on brick wall bonds such as the stack bond, running bond, english bond, flemish bond, america bond. The results of the research can be summarized as follows: 1) There is no statistical difference of psychological evaluation results among student groups using the semantic differential scale method using 10 adjectives. 2) Stack bonds have an uninspiring, artificial, simple, restful, boring and ordered psychological characteristic. Running bonds have an uninspiring, restful and ordered psychological characteristic. America bonds have a unique and modernistic psychological characteristic. English bonds have a unique, modernistic, complex and chaotic psychological characteristic. Flemish bonds have no critical psychological characteristics. 3) The running bond earned the highest score in preference, while the stack bond scored the lowest. Employment of brick wall bonds on this study was not highly preferred, hence it is necessary to develop a new brick wall bond design. 4) In conclusion, the proper selection of brick wall bonds is very important and we should consider human psychological characteristics in the design of rural areas.
Development of Indicators to Evaluate the Regional Preparedness Level for Rural Aging 농촌계획 : 농촌고령화 위기 대응을 위한 지역특성 변화 분석지표 개발
이지민 Ji Min Lee , 이윤희 Yoon Hee Lee , 배연정 Yeon Joung Bae , 이정재 Jeong Jae Lee , 서교 Kyo Suh
18(4) 69-78, 2012
Development of Indicators to Evaluate the Regional Preparedness Level for Rural Aging
이지민 Ji Min Lee , 이윤희 Yoon Hee Lee , 배연정 Yeon Joung Bae , 이정재 Jeong Jae Lee , 서교 Kyo Suh
DOI: Vol.18(No.4) 69-78, 2012
Korean population has been rapidly aging. Most of people regard the aging population as future crisis due to the rate of change and agree to prepare for a soft-landing on aging society in South Korea. Particularly, the aging population growth in rural areas is much faster than urban areas. Also rural areas relatively have poorer social and economic conditions so the countermeasures for population aging considering related social and economic indices are required. Moreover, each rural region has the different preparedness level for rural aging based on regional socio-economic characteristics. In this study, we analyzed correlations of the rural aging rate and local characteristics and developed an evaluation index to show the regional preparedness status for rural aging. To test the applicability of developed indicators, we applied them to 161 rural regions and assessed regional preparedness level for rural aging. This study would provide basic data for establishing policies for rural aging.
Centrality Measure in Weighted HPAI Transmission Network: The case of the highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza Virus in Gimje, South Korea in 2008 농촌계획 : 가중 HPAI 확산 네트워크에서 중심성 분석: 2008년 한국 김제 지역의 HPAI 발병 사례를 중심으로
이형진 Hyung Jin Lee , 서교 Kyo Suh , 정남수 Nam Su Jung , 이인복 In Bok Lee , 서일환 Il Hwan Seo , 문운경 Woon Kyung Moon , 이정재 Jeong Jae Lee
18(4) 79-89, 2012
Centrality Measure in Weighted HPAI Transmission Network: The case of the highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza Virus in Gimje, South Korea in 2008
이형진 Hyung Jin Lee , 서교 Kyo Suh , 정남수 Nam Su Jung , 이인복 In Bok Lee , 서일환 Il Hwan Seo , 문운경 Woon Kyung Moon , 이정재 Jeong Jae Lee
DOI: Vol.18(No.4) 79-89, 2012
Analysis on Characteristics of Time Allotments for Activities of Rural Elder Population 농촌계획 : 생활시간 분석을 통한 고령 농가의 정주활동구조 연구
이윤희 Yoon Hee Lee , 배연정 Yeon Joung Bae , 이지민 Ji Min Lee , 이정재 Jeong Jae Lee , 서교 Kyo Suh
18(4) 91-101, 2012
Analysis on Characteristics of Time Allotments for Activities of Rural Elder Population
이윤희 Yoon Hee Lee , 배연정 Yeon Joung Bae , 이지민 Ji Min Lee , 이정재 Jeong Jae Lee , 서교 Kyo Suh
DOI: Vol.18(No.4) 91-101, 2012
The time management and allotments for various activities of daily life is much different by age groups. This study analyzes time allotments of different age groups for various activities of daily life to figure out the change of main activity by aging through 2009 time use survey by National Statistical Office. Especially we focus on time allotments of rural elderly population and intangible factors for life quality of people instead of physical and environmental elements. The results show that there is a large gap of time allotments for paid and unpaid working time of rural and urban elderly population. Whereas the time for leisure of elderly women in rural areas is much shorter than that of urban elderly women and rural elderly men spend more time to provide community services and help to other households. However, the percentage leisure time of rural elderly people for passive activities such as TV, radio, magazine etc. is longer than that of urban elderly people. We hope that our analysis data could be used for developing new policies and project to improve the life quality of rural elderly population.
The Case Study on the Possibilities and Limitations of the Industrialization in the use of Local Resources of Gokseong Cotton 농촌계획 : 곡성 목화를 활용한 향토자원 산업화의 가능성과 한계에 관한 사례 연구
조진상 Jin Sang Cho
18(4) 103-115, 2012
The Case Study on the Possibilities and Limitations of the Industrialization in the use of Local Resources of Gokseong Cotton
조진상 Jin Sang Cho
DOI: Vol.18(No.4) 103-115, 2012
There are many attempts to develop rural areas by the use of local resources. Local industrialization is a well-known means to found industrialization by the local people using specialized local resources. However, there are many difficulties local people face in the industrialization of these local resources. This is mainly due to local people`s lack of experience and knowledge in the development of these resources and the foundation of industrialization in these rural areas require further assistant. This thesis intends to examine the local conditions in order to represent the possibilities and limitations of the industrialization in the use of local resources, Gokseong cotton. We will further suggest various methods & means of these applications and illustrate the efficient approach to development scheme.
An Affinity analysis for Rural Amenity Resources according to the Life-Styles of Urbanites 농촌계획 : 도시민의 라이프스타일에 따른 농촌어메니티자원 선호도 분석
서주환 Ju Hwan Seo , 전민정 Min Jung Jun
18(4) 117-127, 2012
An Affinity analysis for Rural Amenity Resources according to the Life-Styles of Urbanites
서주환 Ju Hwan Seo , 전민정 Min Jung Jun
DOI: Vol.18(No.4) 117-127, 2012
The demand of rural tourism industry has increased among the urbanites in South Korea, in due to the increase of leisure activity and the emergence of ageing society. Rural amenity resources are gaining various interests, in the value creation and promotion of tourism. In this study, the propensities of city dwellers were separated by life-style classification, and each affinity to the rural amenity resources was examined in accordance with the separation. A questionnaire survey of urbanites in the southern area of Gyeonggi-do, the most populous province in South Korea, was conducted to analyze the preference of city dwellers about rural amenity resource and life-style of themselves. For statistical verification, IBM® SPSS® Statistics 20 software was used for frequency, reliability, factor and multiple regression analysis of this research. The results of the statistical analyses found a noticeable characteristic in life-style classification. The affinities of urbanites can be classified into four congregations of life-style factors in this statistical model. Each congregation of the factors was named as ``Self-development-oriented``, ``Leisure-oriented``, ``Achievement-oriented``, and ``Culture-oriented`` life-style, to represent the characteristics for convenience` sake. Among these styles, only ``Self-development-oriented`` and ``Achievement-oriented`` showed the positive correlation with rural amenity resources in the multiple regression analysis. In addition, the rural amenity resources were also analyzed in accordance with the life-styles classification of urbanites. City dwellers showed the highest interest to the ``natural resource management facility resource`` in natural resources, the ``traditional heritage resource`` in cultural resources, and the ``community resource`` in social resources. Meanwhile, they showed less interest to ``agricultural and scenery resources`` in natural resources, ``specialty production resource`` in cultural resources, and ``cooperative farming`` in social resources. These characteristics can be constructed as meaning that the urbanites who concern self-development and achievement of their lives have high interest in rural amenity resources, and the main interest of them is not ``return-to-the-farm``(歸農) but ``return-to-the-home``(歸村).
Development of a Recommendation Model for Development Area using Land Suitability Assessment 농촌계획 : 토지적성평가 결과를 활용한 개발지역추천모델 개발
김홍연 Hong Yeon Kim , 장우석 Woo Seok Chang , 정남수 Nam Su Jung , 김한중 Han Joong Kim
18(4) 129-140, 2012
Development of a Recommendation Model for Development Area using Land Suitability Assessment
김홍연 Hong Yeon Kim , 장우석 Woo Seok Chang , 정남수 Nam Su Jung , 김한중 Han Joong Kim
DOI: Vol.18(No.4) 129-140, 2012
Land suitability assessment assesses development, farming, and conservation suitability, considering land`s soil, location, and possibility for use. It also implement segmentation of management regions into production, conservation, and plan management area. It is evaluated as a very significant system in establishing a land use system of sustainable development and development after planning in the aspect that it can establish proper land use plan. This study developed a recommendation model for development in agent-based model that interacts with surrounding lands. It also tried to summarize the area characteristic analysis and the results of land suitability evaluation, targeting three ri`s in Yesan-Gun, and analyze the model`s applicability by selection results. In order to recommend area for development that considers the use of the surrounding lands, it calculated development possibility indices that considered the ratings of all the lands in the target areas for each parcel and simulated the model. As a result, selected three areas in target region were suitable areas for development in land suitability assessment. In detail, ratings of the recommended parcels were 3, 4, and 5 ratings. As a result of examining the land status, it showed that all the three areas were plan management areas, thus easy for development. It is judged that the model for recommending area for development suggested in this study can be used as important basic data for setting the direction for development when establishing a regional planning.
Improvement by Survey Analysis on the Package Design for Agricultural Products of Farm Stay 농촌계획 : 민박농가 농특산물 포장디자인 현황분석 및 개선방안
채혜성 Hye Sung Chae , 진혜련 Hye Ryeon Jin , 안옥선 Ok Sun Ahn
18(4) 141-152, 2012
Improvement by Survey Analysis on the Package Design for Agricultural Products of Farm Stay
채혜성 Hye Sung Chae , 진혜련 Hye Ryeon Jin , 안옥선 Ok Sun Ahn
DOI: Vol.18(No.4) 141-152, 2012
Recently the package design for agricultural product of farm stay is great interests for increasing the income of farmers and villages as it may fulfill the sensible needs of consumers who experience rural culture and farm stay. This paper presents the status of the package design for agricultural product of farm stay and proposed improvements to the package design as following; 1) to diversify the packaging capacity, 2) to develop the cultural products to applicate the traditional crafts technique, 3) to provide institutional strategies for presenting the identity of farm or village, 4) to develop the education program about package design. We sampled fifty pilot farms or villages, analyse the package design of them and questionnaire surveyed farmers and managers in order to find problems and suggest improvements.
Development of Model and Route of Green Road on the Riverside Linked the Long Distance Trail 농촌계획 : 장거리 도보여행길과 연계한 강변 그린로드 모형 및 노선 개발
임창수 Chang Su Lim , 홍광우 Kwang Woo Hong , 김은자 Eun Ja Kim , 곽종호 Jong Ho Kwak , 최진아 Jin Ah Choi
18(4) 153-170, 2012
Development of Model and Route of Green Road on the Riverside Linked the Long Distance Trail
임창수 Chang Su Lim , 홍광우 Kwang Woo Hong , 김은자 Eun Ja Kim , 곽종호 Jong Ho Kwak , 최진아 Jin Ah Choi
DOI: Vol.18(No.4) 153-170, 2012
In recent years, the central ministries and regional self are competitively developing program for creating a trail and theme path by the increase of the number of trekkers. Even though these projects are developed in rural areas, it has been pointed out that most of projects do not directly linked to the revitalization of rural villages and improvement of non-farm income because of the main road itself as a resource in rural area. Therefore, in this study, we try to connect the citizen and the agriculture and rural area through the development of the green road which is the experience road with rural resource. To achieve this, we investigated the status and characteristics of the 36 villages where are the village was promoted various major project of first step. In second step, we considered the distinct characteristics of the area with conference of expert and site investigation for the final selection of 15 villages. Through two rounds` expert group consulting with checking, related literatures review and similar case-projects benchmarking, a riverside green road which is linked long distance trail and adjacent to the riverside was developed 15 courses by 2-development types proposed.
Development Plan of the Rural Experience Theme Park in Samji Area, Youngyanggun 농촌계획 : 영양군 삼지지구 농촌테마공원 발전계획
민흥기 Heung Gi Min , 백승석 Seoung Soek Baek , 송이 Yi Song , 리신호 Shin Ho Rhee
18(4) 171-180, 2012
Development Plan of the Rural Experience Theme Park in Samji Area, Youngyanggun
민흥기 Heung Gi Min , 백승석 Seoung Soek Baek , 송이 Yi Song , 리신호 Shin Ho Rhee
DOI: Vol.18(No.4) 171-180, 2012
This study promotes the improvement of local incomes and rural activation by establishing rural experience theme park plans using local resources of Samzi district, Yeongyang-gun. The spatial scope of the study is the whole district of Samzi 1-ri, Yeongyang-eup, Yeongyang-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do, the destination area is 129.927㎡. The scope of the contents was to investigate general status of the site and was conducted as a basic plan, a basic planning stage through analysis of terrain and topography, slope analysis, aspect, SWOT analysis. The satisfaction of the customers to experience is increased, activation of rural exchange and income-generating infrastructure can be expected by creations the space of rural experience theme park. Themes are selected systematically and variety of the programs and spatial planning will be analyzed to promote more efficient business.