Relation of the Natural Amenity and Population Change 자연어메니티가 인구 변화에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구
박미정 Mee Jeong Park , 정남수 Nam Su Jung , 장민원 Min Won Jang , 이정재 Jeong Jae Lee
14(4) 1-9, 2008
Relation of the Natural Amenity and Population Change
박미정 Mee Jeong Park , 정남수 Nam Su Jung , 장민원 Min Won Jang , 이정재 Jeong Jae Lee
DOI: Vol.14(No.4) 1-9, 2008
A Study on Planning Rural Landscape Based on the Layer Technique -Focusing on Anhyun Village in Gochang, Guwau Village in Taebaek and Mulgeon-ri in Namhae- 층위기법 관점의 농촌경관계획에 관한 연구 -고창 안현마을, 태백 구와우마을, 남해 물건리를 사례로-
박은영 Eun Yeong Park
14(4) 11-19, 2008
A Study on Planning Rural Landscape Based on the Layer Technique -Focusing on Anhyun Village in Gochang, Guwau Village in Taebaek and Mulgeon-ri in Namhae-
박은영 Eun Yeong Park
DOI: Vol.14(No.4) 11-19, 2008
Evaluation of Regional Rural Amenity Values on Living and Tourism Resource Characteristics 생활 및 관광자원으로서의 특성을 고려한 농촌어메니티의 지역별 수준평가
오윤경 Yun Gyeong Oh , 최진용 Jin Yong Choi , 배승종 Seung Jong Bae
14(4) 21-32, 2008
Evaluation of Regional Rural Amenity Values on Living and Tourism Resource Characteristics
오윤경 Yun Gyeong Oh , 최진용 Jin Yong Choi , 배승종 Seung Jong Bae
DOI: Vol.14(No.4) 21-32, 2008
Strategies to Improve Rural Amenity through Establishing Eco-village 생태마을 조성을 통한 농촌 어메니티 향상 방안
반영운 Yong Un Ban , 정재호 Jae Ho Jung , 백종인 Jong In Baek
14(4) 33-45, 2008
Strategies to Improve Rural Amenity through Establishing Eco-village
반영운 Yong Un Ban , 정재호 Jae Ho Jung , 백종인 Jong In Baek
DOI: Vol.14(No.4) 33-45, 2008
Comparison between Landscape Photographic Albums in the Webpages of Agriculture and Mountain Villages Using a Content Analysis 내용분석을 이용한 농촌과 산촌 마을홈페이지 체험경관 사진앨범 비교
이덕재 Duk Jae Lee , 이종성 Jong Sung Lee
14(4) 47-56, 2008
Comparison between Landscape Photographic Albums in the Webpages of Agriculture and Mountain Villages Using a Content Analysis
이덕재 Duk Jae Lee , 이종성 Jong Sung Lee
DOI: Vol.14(No.4) 47-56, 2008
A Survey on the Traditional Walls and Roofs Maintenance and the Rural Residents` Attitudes toward the Direct Payment Program for Traditional Walls and Roofs 전통담, 전통지붕 관리실태 및 경관보전직접지불제 적용에 대한 주민의식 조사 연구
채혜성 Hye Sung Chae , 민소영 So Young Min , 류선정 Sun Jung Ryu , 안동만 Tong Mahn Ahn
14(4) 57-67, 2008
A Survey on the Traditional Walls and Roofs Maintenance and the Rural Residents` Attitudes toward the Direct Payment Program for Traditional Walls and Roofs
채혜성 Hye Sung Chae , 민소영 So Young Min , 류선정 Sun Jung Ryu , 안동만 Tong Mahn Ahn
DOI: Vol.14(No.4) 57-67, 2008
A Study for Rural Landscape Planning Criteria 농촌경관계획수립 기준 정립 연구
주신하 Shin Ha Joo , 임승빈 Seung Bin Im
14(4) 69-76, 2008
A Study for Rural Landscape Planning Criteria
주신하 Shin Ha Joo , 임승빈 Seung Bin Im
DOI: Vol.14(No.4) 69-76, 2008
A Proposal of Rural Landscape Policy for Preservation, Formation and Management 농촌경관의 보전,형성,관리를 위한 정책제안 연구
주신하 Shin Ha Joo
14(4) 77-86, 2008
A Proposal of Rural Landscape Policy for Preservation, Formation and Management
주신하 Shin Ha Joo
DOI: Vol.14(No.4) 77-86, 2008
Preferences for Experiencing activities of Daegu City Residents towards Green Tourism 대구 시민의 그린투어리즘 체험활동 선호도에 관한 연구
엄붕훈 Boong Hoon Eom , 오승현 Seung Hyun Oh
14(4) 87-95, 2008
Preferences for Experiencing activities of Daegu City Residents towards Green Tourism
엄붕훈 Boong Hoon Eom , 오승현 Seung Hyun Oh
DOI: Vol.14(No.4) 87-95, 2008
Quantitative Approaches for Agricultural and Rural Policy Evaluation 농업,농촌정책평가를 위한 정량적 분석모형 연구
이성우 Seong Woo Lee , 윤성도 Seong Do Yun
14(4) 97-108, 2008
Quantitative Approaches for Agricultural and Rural Policy Evaluation
이성우 Seong Woo Lee , 윤성도 Seong Do Yun
DOI: Vol.14(No.4) 97-108, 2008
Development of Green-Tourism Potential Evaluation Method Considering Rural Amenity and Demand of Citizen 농촌어메니티 및 도시수요를 고려한 그린투어리즘 잠재력 평가기법 개발
배승종 Seung Jong Bae
14(4) 109-119, 2008
Development of Green-Tourism Potential Evaluation Method Considering Rural Amenity and Demand of Citizen
배승종 Seung Jong Bae
DOI: Vol.14(No.4) 109-119, 2008
Technical Articles : Contents Analysis on the Rural Village Development Projects: With Focus on Project Regions during 2004-2007 농촌마을종합개발사업 내용분석과 시사점 -`04-`07년 사업대상지 사업을 중심으로-
박한식 Han Sik Park , 황길식 Gil Sik Hwang , 김영택 Young Taek Kim
14(4) 121-128, 2008
Technical Articles : Contents Analysis on the Rural Village Development Projects: With Focus on Project Regions during 2004-2007
박한식 Han Sik Park , 황길식 Gil Sik Hwang , 김영택 Young Taek Kim
DOI: Vol.14(No.4) 121-128, 2008
Technical Articles : In-service Education Program Development on Multifunctionality of Agriculture and Rural Areas 농업,농촌의 다원적 기능 교원연수 프로그램 개발
황정임 Jeong Im Hwang , 김은자 Eun Ja Kim , 이상영 Sang Young Lee
14(4) 129-141, 2008
Technical Articles : In-service Education Program Development on Multifunctionality of Agriculture and Rural Areas
황정임 Jeong Im Hwang , 김은자 Eun Ja Kim , 이상영 Sang Young Lee