A Study on the Assessment of Rurality Characteristics in Rural Amenity Resources 농촌어메니티자원의 농촌다움 특성 평가에 관한 연구
이정원 Jeung Won Lee , 정윤희 Yoon Hee Jeong , 임승빈 Seung Bin Im
12(2) 1-9, 2006
A Study on the Assessment of Rurality Characteristics in Rural Amenity Resources
이정원 Jeung Won Lee , 정윤희 Yoon Hee Jeong , 임승빈 Seung Bin Im
DOI: Vol.12(No.2) 1-9, 2006
Establishing Goals for Information Strategy Planning of Rural Amenity Resources Map 농촌어메니티자원도 정보전략계획 수립을 위한 목표설정
서보환 Bo Hwan Seo , 정남수 Nam Su Jung , 김종옥 Jong Ok Kim
12(2) 11-16, 2006
Establishing Goals for Information Strategy Planning of Rural Amenity Resources Map
서보환 Bo Hwan Seo , 정남수 Nam Su Jung , 김종옥 Jong Ok Kim
DOI: Vol.12(No.2) 11-16, 2006
An Analysis on the Residents` Perceptions of the Ecotourism Village Development in Seogwipo City 서귀포시 생태관광마을조성에 대한 주민인식에 관한 연구
이진희 Jin Hee Lee
12(2) 17-25, 2006
An Analysis on the Residents` Perceptions of the Ecotourism Village Development in Seogwipo City
이진희 Jin Hee Lee
DOI: Vol.12(No.2) 17-25, 2006
Estimation Economic Value of Multi-functionality and Preservation Program of Stone Fences in Jeju 제주 전통돌담의 가치평가 및 보전 방안
이상영 Sang Young Rhee
12(2) 27-35, 2006
Estimation Economic Value of Multi-functionality and Preservation Program of Stone Fences in Jeju
이상영 Sang Young Rhee
DOI: Vol.12(No.2) 27-35, 2006
A Demand Analysis on Urbanites` Retired Life in the Countryside 도시민의 은퇴 후 농촌정주에 대한 수요분석
윤순덕 Soon Duck Yoon , 박공주 Gong Ju Park
12(2) 37-47, 2006
A Demand Analysis on Urbanites` Retired Life in the Countryside
윤순덕 Soon Duck Yoon , 박공주 Gong Ju Park
DOI: Vol.12(No.2) 37-47, 2006
Rice Growth Response and Soil Quality by Domestic Wastewater Irrigation on Rice Paddy Field - Lysimeter experiment - 하수종말처리장 방류수를 논 관개용수로 처리시 벼 생육 및 토양환경 영향 조사 - 라이시미터 재배실험 -
조재영 Joe Young Cho , 박승우 Seung Woo Park , 손재권 Jae Gwon Son , 박봉주 Bong Ju Park , 이용근 Long Gen Li
12(2) 49-56, 2006
Rice Growth Response and Soil Quality by Domestic Wastewater Irrigation on Rice Paddy Field - Lysimeter experiment -
조재영 Joe Young Cho , 박승우 Seung Woo Park , 손재권 Jae Gwon Son , 박봉주 Bong Ju Park , 이용근 Long Gen Li
DOI: Vol.12(No.2) 49-56, 2006
Growth Response and Total Coliform Distribution of Spinach and Chinese Cabbage and Soil Quality by Irrigation of Domestic Wastewater 하수종말처리장 방류수를 밭작물 관개용수로 처리시 시금치와 배추의 생육, 대장균 분포 및 토양의 질 평가
조재영 Jae Young Cho , 박승우 Seung Woo Park , 손재권 Jae Gwon Son , 박봉주 Bong Ju Park , 이용근 Long Gen Li
12(2) 57-64, 2006
Growth Response and Total Coliform Distribution of Spinach and Chinese Cabbage and Soil Quality by Irrigation of Domestic Wastewater
조재영 Jae Young Cho , 박승우 Seung Woo Park , 손재권 Jae Gwon Son , 박봉주 Bong Ju Park , 이용근 Long Gen Li
DOI: Vol.12(No.2) 57-64, 2006
Technical Articles : Development of An Interim Evaluation System for Integrated Rural Village Cluster Development Project 농촌마을종합개발사업의 효율적 추진을 위한 중간평가체계 개발
김경량 Kyung Ryang Kim , 최윤상 Youn Sang Choi , 홍성규 Sung Kyu Hong
12(2) 65-73, 2006
Technical Articles : Development of An Interim Evaluation System for Integrated Rural Village Cluster Development Project
김경량 Kyung Ryang Kim , 최윤상 Youn Sang Choi , 홍성규 Sung Kyu Hong
DOI: Vol.12(No.2) 65-73, 2006
Technical Articles : Exploring the Allotment Gardens and Its Implication - Case Study on Kleingarten in German, Dacha in Russia and Civic Garden in Japan - 외국 가족농원의 비교 분석을 통한 정책적 시사점 - 일본, 독일, 러시아 사례를 중심으로 -
박덕병 Duk Byeong Park , 이상덕 Sang Duk Lee , 이혜현 Hye Hyun Lee , 이민수 Min Soo Lee , 장면주 Myun Ju Jang
12(2) 75-85, 2006
Technical Articles : Exploring the Allotment Gardens and Its Implication - Case Study on Kleingarten in German, Dacha in Russia and Civic Garden in Japan -
박덕병 Duk Byeong Park , 이상덕 Sang Duk Lee , 이혜현 Hye Hyun Lee , 이민수 Min Soo Lee , 장면주 Myun Ju Jang
DOI: Vol.12(No.2) 75-85, 2006
Technical Articles : A Survey Study on the Improvement Concepts for Community Facilities of Rural Villages Considering Elderly People`s Welfare in the Aged Rural Areas 노인복지를 고려한 고령 농촌마을 공동이용시설의 활용 방향에 관한 조사연구
홍찬선 Chan Sun Hong , 임상봉 Sang Bong Im , 최병숙 Byung Sook Choi , 박선희 Sun Hee Park , 오찬옥 Chan Ohk Oh
12(2) 87-96, 2006
Technical Articles : A Survey Study on the Improvement Concepts for Community Facilities of Rural Villages Considering Elderly People`s Welfare in the Aged Rural Areas
홍찬선 Chan Sun Hong , 임상봉 Sang Bong Im , 최병숙 Byung Sook Choi , 박선희 Sun Hee Park , 오찬옥 Chan Ohk Oh