An Economic Evaluation of Multi-Functionality of Rural Areas and Benefit Transfer 농촌 다원적 기능의 경제적 가치와 편익이전
신용광 Yong Kwang Shin , 이상영 Sang Young Rhee , 김영 Young Kim
10(1) 1-7, 2004
An Economic Evaluation of Multi-Functionality of Rural Areas and Benefit Transfer
신용광 Yong Kwang Shin , 이상영 Sang Young Rhee , 김영 Young Kim
DOI: Vol.10(No.1) 1-7, 2004
There are recently many studies on evaluating the economic value of multi-functionality of rural areas. However, the regional difference of economic value leads a problem of different evaluation on its economic value for each region in its application to government policy. This problem causes an increase in cost because it creates restriction in policy decisions which put their importance on the time of their execution. This study investigates the propriety of value transfer using Meta Analysis after evaluating the social and cultural value of rural areas among their functions based on CVM model. It finds that the regional difference in the willingness to pay is 0.13% to 31.42%.
Resource Evaluation Skill to Set a Development Direction Rural Village 농촌마을 개발방향 설정을 위한 자원 평가기법 연구
For the problems in executing rural development, recent recognitions are that discovery, preservation, and utilization of area-unique resource are unsatisfactory, that participation of local residents was neglected, and that approach to gradual refurbishment of houses and common space of town in consideration of existing spatial pattern of the town was not adequate. Especially, neglect for exact investigation, analysis and evaluation on rural local resources is bringing about social problems such as mass production of uniform rural area and loss of local identity. In this study, rural resources were listed and resource evaluation items was designed in order to establish development direction of rural village. According to these results, for the efficient and reasonable drive of the resource evaluation system, following items are required; A premise of local development by participation of local people, Development of diversely appliable resource evaluation clauses, Establishment of development type in connection with resource evaluation clauses, Systematic management of local resource through spreading DB resource. This research was focused on unearthing direction development of rural village and theme. However, what should be reconsidered through continuous study is that resource evaluation clauses are somewhat general and not concretely illustrated. Therefore establishment of characterized development is expected through clarifying local identity and presenting direction of local development, with the importance of resource and systematic analysis in planning on rural village in the future.
Estimation of the Forestry Area Decrease Effect on the Soil Erosion in Rural Watershed 농촌유역의 산림지 면적 감소에 따른 유역 토양유실량 변화 추정
김상민 Sang Min Kim , 임상준 Sang Jun Im , 박승우 Seung Woo Park
10(1) 19-26, 2004
Estimation of the Forestry Area Decrease Effect on the Soil Erosion in Rural Watershed
김상민 Sang Min Kim , 임상준 Sang Jun Im , 박승우 Seung Woo Park
DOI: Vol.10(No.1) 19-26, 2004
In this paper, forestry area change effect on the soil erosion in Man lake watershed was estimated. Temporal variations of land use in the study watershed were analyzed from Landsat-5 TM remote sensing images. Geographic Information System (GIS) combined with Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) was used to estimate the soil erosion of Asan lake watershed. Spatial data for each USLE factors was obtained from the Landsat-5 TM remote sensing images and 1/25,000 scale digital contour maps. Sediment yield to Asan lake was estimated by sediment delivery ratio and sediment accumulation in lake was estimated by trap efficiency. The estimation methods were validated for sediment accumulation in Man lake. From the hydrographic survey from 1974 to 2003 for Asan lake, sediment accumulation was measured. The estimated accumulation sediment of 303,569ton/yr showed similar value with observed of 295,888ton/yr. From the validated estimation methods, the increasing amount of soil erosion when 1% of forest area in Man lake watershed decreases was calculated from 12.91 to 1482.05ton/yr.
A Study on the Ecological Area Zoning Based on the Natural Environment Analysis -A Case study from Midong Mountain- 자연환경분석을 통한 생태학적 지역 구분에 관한 연구 -미동산을 사례로-
이동근 Dong Kun Lee , 윤소원 So Won Yoon , 김현 Hyun Kim , 김은영 Eun Young Kim
10(1) 27-33, 2004
A Study on the Ecological Area Zoning Based on the Natural Environment Analysis -A Case study from Midong Mountain-
이동근 Dong Kun Lee , 윤소원 So Won Yoon , 김현 Hyun Kim , 김은영 Eun Young Kim
DOI: Vol.10(No.1) 27-33, 2004
The objective of this study is to propose the whole idealistical process for ecological area zoning based on the natural environment analysis. In order to draw out the ecological zoning, this study used the remote sensing, GIS method and field survey. As a result of this study showed that it was helpful in establishing development direction of Midong Moutain, minimizing the impact on environment by drawing out a development suitable land based on the objective standards and data and also preventing the misconduct development in advance.
Economic valuation for Recreation Roles of Tourist Farms 관광농원의 레크리에이션 기능에 대한 경제가치 평가
신용광 Yong Kwang Shin , 이상영 Sang Young Rhee , 조순재 Soon Jae Cho , 강경하 Kyeong Ha Kang
10(1) 35-40, 2004
Economic valuation for Recreation Roles of Tourist Farms
신용광 Yong Kwang Shin , 이상영 Sang Young Rhee , 조순재 Soon Jae Cho , 강경하 Kyeong Ha Kang
DOI: Vol.10(No.1) 35-40, 2004
The expansion of demand associated with leisure, which has resulted from the elevated standard of living, has made the domestic tourist demand diversified. Recently, people, especially urban population, show the higher interest and need for environmentally friendly rural tourism. This study aims to grasp the utilization of recreation roles of tourist farms and then to evaluate the economic value for recreation roles of tourist farm using Traveling Cost Method. Data were collected from a survey in 2003. The results show that its value is 62,037 won per head annually and so the tourist farms play their role of connecting the urban population with rural amenity.
Mode of Production and Change of Rural Society 생산양식과 농촌사회의 변화
임형백 Hyung Baek Lim , 조중구 Joong Koo Cho
10(1) 41-55, 2004
Mode of Production and Change of Rural Society
임형백 Hyung Baek Lim , 조중구 Joong Koo Cho
DOI: Vol.10(No.1) 41-55, 2004
The purpose of this study is to investigate a causal relationship between the mode of production and change of rural society. While dominant theories of social change have stressed variation of contingencies and periodical contexts, this theoretical paper drives a new insight paralleling diverse theoretical arguments of each mode of production with rural and urban changes. Investigating the drifts of intellectual ideologies of the mode of production, we get through diverse paradigm shifts of the production accumulation and its trigger effects on rural change. More specifically, the present study investigates change of rural society by way of investigating such fluctuations of societal changes as ancient society, slavery society, feudal society, industrial society, post-industrial society, and information society. We find that transportation and communication technologies have had a key role in the changes, however, the effects of the technologies on social changes have been different between rural- and urban-society. While we take it for granted that flexible accumulation in post-industrial society and time-space compression and informatization in information society will reduce developmental gap between rural- and urban-society, we also found that there have been big differences of actual application of the technologies between theory and reality in each era of mode of production.
The Study on the Establishment of the Agricultural Landscape Conservation Policy for the Green Tourism 녹색농업관광 활성화를 위한 경관농업 육성방안에 관한 연구 -일본의 사례를 중심으로-
정철모 Cheol Mo Chung , 박미호 Mi Ho Park
10(1) 57-64, 2004
The Study on the Establishment of the Agricultural Landscape Conservation Policy for the Green Tourism
정철모 Cheol Mo Chung , 박미호 Mi Ho Park
DOI: Vol.10(No.1) 57-64, 2004
This study focus on the revitalization of green tourism by the agricultulral landscape conservation policy. Today, agricultulral landuse for food production is restricted by agricultulral products import. In this context, agricultulral land use policy should be paradigm shift to the consumer`s needs which accelerates the green tourism in the rural areas. This research screen the agricultulral landscape conservation policy of Japan` system and construct the new policy implimentation for agricultulral landscape conservation in Korea. For this purpose, agricultulral landscape guideline and support system should be established in line with the revitalization of green tourism and agricultulral income diversification in the rural areas.