ISSN : 1225-8857 (print)
ISSN : 2288-9493 (online)
Rural Planning and Agricultural Engineering
Rural Planning and Landscape Architecture
Rural Planning and Agricultural Economy
Rural Planning and Community Development
A Study on the Institutional Aspects of Rural Spatial Planning System
A Study on the Comparative Evaluation between the Planned District ( Munhwa - Maul ) and the Existing District in Korean Rural Village : The Cases of Wolam - 1 Ri and Woohang - 2 Ri
Land Suitability Classification for Rational Land Use Planning in County ( Gun ) Area ( 1 ) - Methodological Consideration of Land Suitability Classification -
A Study on the Direction of Planning in Cultural Rural Village - Focused on the Case in Yoonghari , Chungwon - kun , Chungchengpukdo -
Issues and Directions for Rural Settlement Development
Farm Size and Production Efficiency of Korean Rice Farms An Application of a Ray - Homothetic Stochastic Production Function
A Study on the New Development Strategies for Promotion of Rural Economy
한국농촌계획학회 회칙학회자료 1(1) 127-127, 1995
농촌계획 투고규정학회자료 1(1) 128-128, 1995
한국농촌계획학회 임원학회자료 1(1) 129-129, 1995
창간사정하우 1(1) 1-1, 1995
Necessity and prospects of Interdisciplinary Approach
Rural Planning and Architecture